A bloke starts his new job at the zoo and is given three tasks. The first is to
clear the exotic
fish pool of weeds. He starts on this when
suddenly a huge fish leaps out and bites him. He is not going to let a fish have
a go so he beats
the offending fish to death with a spade.
Realising that his boss is not going to be best pleased, he tries to find a way
to hide the dead
fish. He hits on the brilliant idea of giving the
fish to the lions as lions will eat anything. So he throws the fish into the
lion's cage.
He then moves on to his second job, which is to clear out the monkey house. He
goes in and a couple
of chimps starts throwing coconuts at him. Unamused, he swipes at the chimps
with his spade, killing
them instantly. He's really worried now, so what does he do? He feeds the chimps
to the lions,
because lions eat anything. He hurls them into the lion's cage.
Anyway, he moves on to his last job, which is to collect honey from South
American bees. He starts
on this and quickly gets attacked by the bees. Alarmed, he grabs his spade and
smashes the bees as
hard as he can, squashing them to death. By this point he is not too worried
about the death of bees
as he knows what to do by now. He throws them into the lion's cage, because
lions eat anything.
Later that day a new lion arrives at the zoo. It wanders up to another lion and
says "What's the
food like in here?"
The other lion says "Absolutely brilliant! Today we had Fish, Chimps and Mushy
Joke....some English culture Req'd....
by ISP 1 Replies latest social humour
Was this bloke your traditional soccer hooligan?