I have been putting off speaking to this dear friend of mine for some time now, in that I would have to explain certain issues to her.... each time she has called recently I have been unable to put my thoughts into words, and was about to put how I felt about the JWs etc in writing...but that is danagerous!! so anyway she called last night, and away I went.....
I rattled off to her as to what had happened to my husband - she was shocked - so she spoke to an elder today, re disassociating and the way that this matter was dealt with in the congregation - well he said to her that it was to be put in writing, or if a second person was party to the conversation - this does not mean listening in on another line and not informing you of this.... that this was how disassociating was to be done - well when she told him what had happened to my husband - he was disgusted... he though is very ill and knows that matters in the org are not good, but he is too ill to do anything...
I pointed out to my friend that sadly this is happening worldwide.... and she was shocked ... even more shocking was that she could understand where we were coming from as to the doubts that we have re the org and its teaching - she is a reg pioneer for the last 20 odd years
Plus the fact her son-in-law will soon be on his way out aswell, due to the information that I was telling her, and she is now worried that her daughter will follow....
She called me tonight, and she explained the elders conversation to me, and that all day she has had a knot in her stomach due to the things that I had said to her yesterday....she is a researcher and I know for a fact that she will not just take my word for things, but she will look into matters, and I told her to do her research independent of the WTS... that will be hard for her.... she is also worried because her husband has not be an active JW for the last 20 years, so she is waiting for a knock on her front door!!!!!!
Anyway I just thought I would share this with you, because JWs know that things are not right within the org, but seem to be scared to stand up and be counted as being in disagreement with the org....frightening ..now I have to try and explain all this to my mother ...oh joy of joys.... this was a pre-run of things to come, oh well one down and a few more to go.... actually I felt quite good when I was saying these things to her....so I will keep you posted...
Mrs Nightwarrior