...Wednesday evening's Fifth Estate expose of the JWs. I will mail it to the first person to reply that they would like to have it. :)
I will be taping...
by starfish422 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I'm going to be taping too. I was telling Hawk we Canucks could start a nice little cottage industry making these tapes LOL
Thanks for doing this Starfish
Love, Scully
Hey Starfish, what a deal! No takers yet? I'm way down here in Florida, and if you're offering/willing to send a copy of the CBC program, I would surely LOVE to have it!
GritsEdited to correct the emoticon... thought I was using the one with the sunglasses, which on the other board is an "8" with a ")" but on this board that shows this: and I wanted this
Edited by - Grits on 24 January 2003 21:17:49
Scully are you about to send a copy? Anyways if anyone else is able to do this I would appreciate a copy. I realized I don't need to worry about the video format because I know someone who can convert it. thanks.
Hi Grits! I will surely ship it off to you just as soon as I eject it from the VCR! :) Email me your mailing address to [email protected] and it is yours!!
Hey Scully, saw Hawk today! We were talking about that too! :D
No kidding! Yippeee! THANK YOU Starfish! I'm so tickled! Thought I'd be watching it eventually via WPM or RP online somewhere (which is how I was able to see Panorama, etc.) But this will be soooooo mucho better! And I would certainly be happy to pay for postage, the cost of the tape, etc!
I'm ecstatic and I'll zap you right away!
You have made my day!
Grits -
Darn! Too late, and I would have loved a copy too!
Hi Found... Boo Hoo! I feel bad now. I wish I could pass on the good deed and the tape by making a copy of it to spread the "good news" even further... I didn't offer because, unfortunately, I only have one TV with its built-in VCR. I do not have any tape-duplicating equipment. So sorry!