La Villette

by nilfun 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun
  • nilfun

    C' on the pretty piccy...

  • Vivamus

    Huh? *puzzled look on face* I got stuck, what is that?

  • moreisbetter

    Thats pretty cool. I got excited about id1. (yes I have a dirty mind this morning!) I didn't get id2. id3 was fun. I'm still working on id4! I'm going to get it if takes me all day!

  • nilfun

    I got stuck, what is that?

    Aw...sorry you got stuck

    I got excited about id1. (yes I have a dirty mind this morning!)

    Woo Hoo! Yeah, id1 is HOT STUFF! LoL....

    "Find the bubble flower and then you can enter into the alcove the place dedicated to reproduction"

    That one really made me giggle.

    Still working on id4, eh? I think I got as far as the fifth or sixth step in id4...then I got too sleepy to continue and had to hit the hay.

  • nilfun

    Another soothing game...These Little Pigs.

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