...who claim to apply their 'training', but then ditch (or worse) their client at the first sign of trouble, DELETED.
Edited by - Englishman on 26 January 2003 3:48:19
by happysunshine 5 Replies latest watchtower medical
...who claim to apply their 'training', but then ditch (or worse) their client at the first sign of trouble, DELETED.
Edited by - Englishman on 26 January 2003 3:48:19
And this applies to us how?
Well Happy! you dont sound very happyI is there something I can help you with? I am not in a postion to accept your wish on us. But If I can help you be happy I am willing to try- I am grandma on board so you can ask anything you like- I may be able to comfort you somewhat- You are evidently hurting... been there done that... So lets know eh?
Hmmm really depends on what happened.....sounds as though you had a bad experience...counsellors work from different theories and it could be that this particular one did`nt work for you....any counselling you want to persue should be thoroughly checked for credentials and area of expertise as well before even attending a first session.....am I qualified to comment yes, I am a Social Worker.
Debz.... BA....BSW.....Masters.....Dip C.....
Hey debz. pretty impressive credentials there....I widh I had letters after my name like that. Howd you get em? The JWs are antieducation. I was booted into the workforce at 15. Just one question. Is a "Dip C" related in any way to a "Dip F" ?? ( lol)
Howd you get em? The JWs are antieducation. I was booted into the workforce at 15. Just one question. Is a "Dip C" related in any way to a "Dip F" ?? ( lol)
Well......ONLY took me 8 years .....to get the `credentials`...and was something I wanted to do sice aged 18 BUT as a dub was`nt the done thing was it.....I LEFT school at 14 ..having arrived from UK at that age and not being able to `fit` into school in OZ...so there went the eduacation until now...and am enjoing it immensely....as for the Dip C related to a Dip F...I believe its all interpretation...