There has been many questions on the thread, asking for any advice or thought's on how to talk to a friend or loved one in the org.It would be great if everyone could think of ways to reach them and help us bible dummies talk to them. There's alot of you out there ,a hole world with idea's ,even one idea could help someone.What made you see ?, did someone say just the right thing to make you think? was it some thing you read? (you get the idea) come on world think, put down any thing that may help us talk to our loved ones. thanks
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by kls 8 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think there's any exterior force that can make a loved one who is shunning you come to their senses. If they responded to reason, they wouldn't be in the JWs to start with. So you must count on the presence of the Spirit in their heartmind. If they are responsive to the Spirit, you've got a chance. If they're not responsive, you might as well forget about it.
I think Francois is right about this. It's something that has to come from your heart.
What really convinced me that it wasn't the truth was coming to boards like this and being reasoned with. The thing that grabbed me most was Crawdad spouting out all the dates that the gov bod claimed would be the beginning Armageddon. Then he reasoned that if you claim to speak from God and what you say doesn't come true, then you are a false prophet.
I had to learn it from a virtual stranger, though. I don't think people I loved (like my mother or sister - both non-jws) could have convinced me.
I think a person will leave the org. when they are ready. Something inside of them has to say ok I have had enough, and I can see the flaws. Some see the flaws but are too afraid to leave because the org. has them trained and brainwashed into believing that they won't have anywhere else to go and that they won't be whole without the org. Even though I knew something was up with the org. it took me a long time to be able to break the ties. When all of your friends are still in...the world looks cold and lonely. I have a good friend who I am able to still speak too and she and I email all the time. I sent her all the proof of the UN scandle, but she is still "waiting on Jehovah" to make things right. She agrees that she has a different view of the org. but has also said that she would never leave. So I also think Francois is right in what he is saying..."it has to come from the hear".
aUnTiE M
One thing that really helped me was to see the Dateline expose. Here was information from a well-recognized source that pointed out how much like white washed graves this religion was. If we get an opportunity to see more on broadcast TV (some of us don't have cable or satellite) let your loved ones know in a subtle way to watch the program.
Clip articles from newspapers or magazines and leave them lying about. If they visit you they will see for themselves.
If we 'preach' to them they'll turn off as they've been taught to avoid apostates. Finding out the truth from news sources is a powerful inducement to examine the teachings they espouse.
There are many ways to fight a war. Full frontal assault is rarely successful. KLS, I suggest you take some time to do some deep self-examination to figure out where your rage is coming from. Why, after 27 years, do you feel so betrayed? Is it all the WTS fault, or are there other things in your life that you are not facing yet?
By knowing who you are and what your core beliefs are, you will be facing your husband, the KH, and life from a position of strength.
A few things factored in for me to - - - finally - - - see the Light:
- Undeniable confusion regarding the dates 1914, 1918, 1919, 1975 and ensuing explanations(TM)
- Spewing garbage from the platform about the "rightful(TM)" place of women in the organization, which I believe to be archaic
- Sex scandals in the jws and how the elders/HQ covered it up, further victimizing the victims in the name of GAWD
- UN Scandal and how HQ tried to cover their embarassing tracks
- Reading "Crisis of Conscience" and seeing the corruption from the top down
- Going in service and seeing that people had enriching experiences in their churches, a loving family, smiles on their faces that were not pasted on (unlike mine when I was jw), and a healthy loving (not fearful) relationship with God. How would I - - - in all sincerity - - - go in service anymore and tell people that their spiritual experiences are not valid? Preposterous!!! Disrespectful!!!! Yet, jws do it all the time!!
I feel soooo sorry for the pee-ons who go door to door and are faced with having to offer explanations to people about any of the above scandalous activity.
My feeling is that a lot more jws will leave the organization in the next short while. BTW . . .Has anyone else noticed how many newbies there are here in the forum lately? A big welcome to all of you newbies!!!!!!!! You are in the right place for healing!!!!
Some have asked why after all this time, i want to be offically not a jw ? yes i've lived with it a long time and want to be unassociated in every way . i am tired of my husband telling me ' i was baptized a jw' i should be attending meetings' and still considered a witness. Imyself had no idea how bad the org. was until i started looking through google about 3months ago . the websites are astonishing and enlightning.i'ts having something hang over you'r head you want to get rid of.According to my husband i'm still a member till i do something to change it , he alway's talk's to elder's about me to this day. How do i know , after meetings his answers to me are totally different then the day before .If i'm disfellowshipped they can't talk about ,me and if i'm a dirty word he won't tell me i am still a jw.i'm not going to do this for sure or with out thought i need to know my options. ps. type any thing jw.on google and see what comes up.
Aha, KLS. You have thought about this, and you want to make a clean break so your husband has no illusions as to where you stand? More power to you, girl. I still suggest you spend some time thinking about what you believe in, not just what you don't believe any more.