Was Adam a dairy farmer?

by Thirdson 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    Apparently so, and so were his forebears. By the time dairy farming reached the backwater of Europe, known as Great Britain (or Britain if you are a KM writer even though no such place exists) six and half thousand years ago it was already long established in the rest of Neolithic Europe.

    It seems the dairy farmers in the British Isles were fond of eating meat as well and thought nothing of slaughtering some of their herds for food. I bet "Adam" was fond of a good steak too.

    For more see the item at the BBC News web site



  • Farkel


    : Was Adam a dairy farmer?

    Adam was a dot com-er. He was just a little ahead of his time. That's why he failed so miserably at it. Well, that plus the fact that the browser he developed sucked. You should have seen the interface. And it didn't have too many features, either.

    He was poised to make a comeback with much better technology when that stupid talking snake messed him up. That didn't help his marriage much, either. I heard one of his kids became a killer.

    He SHOULD have become a dairy farmer: there's much less pressure in that biz and in the high-tech biz. Another of his sons also became a farmer, and got messed up for giving God the wrong present.

    I guess God doesn't care much for anyone. At the least, he's sure fussy about the gifts he gets. When most people get a gift they don't like, they either toss it or exchange it. When God doesn't get a gift he likes, he makes sure the giver pays for it with his life.


    Edited by - Farkel on 28 January 2003 1:14:24

  • Thirdson

    Hi Farkel,

    that stupid talking snake messed him up.

    I fear Sony is making the same mistake. TVs and Walkmans are great but diversifying into robotic animals is a bad move. I bet Adam's problem (not forgetting his snake spoke with a Stephen Hawking accent) was getting the legs to work properly. I bet God snapped them off in fustration.


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