Deceit of an ELDER and his SON

by Pking 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pking

    New story. Goes like this

    Me and my 3 bros. On holiday with friend his sis and her friend which they secretly brought with. Non JW. Had great time. Small place to sleep. My two bros sleep in lounge. Me and older boet sleep in room on floor while our friend sleeps on bed. Sisters in another room. I wake up after 2 on the morning.See some girl in bed with him. tries to cover her up. I go back to sleep. Get up little later, his also up. Shes gone. Ask who she is, he offers me a beer (3 in the morning). Ask next day who she was. Admittedto all of us its someone he met at pool. SO he slept with stranger and his sisters friend. All go home.

    Same guy. Goes out with friends and my two older brothers. Sister so drunk she kisses a coloured witness (Married). My bro sees it. tells her bro. They all drunk, all go home, have accident on the way home. Cars a right off. Accident because he was fighting with his sister bout kissing their cl'd friend. Big committee case. They say nothing happened, they all lied. Made my brother look guilty, gave him bad name, started making up stories bout me andmy other brothers. We all cross. Decide we gonna get him back. I tell story bout him sleeping with other women on holiday. He said he lied to us and just wanted to make himself look big by saying that. Got off free. My brother AND I had priviledges taken away. Him NOTHING!!!. His father is an elder. He handles ALL his cases including his sisters. Both get off free. All enemies now. Old friend hates me. 3 times my size AND HAS BEATEN ME UP TWICE ALREADY, 1ST TIME 3 YRS AGO, AND NOW RECENTLY 4 MONTHS AGO. Why does he hold such a grudge for so long that he beats me up. He stands and talks to my friend and other brother in front of me, at a pool club. Walks over to me, starts slapping me, swearing at me. Calling me names, pushes me around more. I get angry. Throw GLASS at him. Beats me up.

    Everytime i confront the elders bout his attitude towards me and the things he does to me. THEY TELL ME NOT TO BRING UP THEPAST AND TO LEAVE HIM ALONE.Im glad to leave him alone. He aint wanna leave me alone. But the father is more two faced than his own son.

    Lots more to this story.

    How must one get better in the truth when an ELDER and his family is shunning you away all the time. And other elders wont listen.

  • Gopher

    Sorry to hear about all this trouble and deceitfulness you have been subjected to.

    Your question , "how must one get better in the truth"? A start is to recognize that the JW's are nothing more than an organization of men, who rule their power structures with egos firmly in place. Once you get on their bad side, there is not one thing you can do about it (speaking from my own personal experience). They often have their minds made up in judgment before any committee meeting ever starts. Don't let the prayers they give and the scriptures they read make you think any differently.

    What would Jesus himself think of all these shenanigans? My guess is that he would reject the entire hierarchy of Jehovah's Witnesses, much like he told off the Pharisees in his own day. Why? Because they're interested in power and control, and rule through the use of fear and guilt.

    Religion, including JW's (perhaps especially JW's) dominates man "to his injury". Think about it.

    Welcome to the board, please keep reading with an open mind! (Also read to find out other things going on in the Watchtower world.)

    Edited by - Gopher on 28 January 2003 6:27:49

  • NameWithheld

    Your's is a most common experience. I and many, many others have shared in this version of 'Watchtower Justice'. Rule #1, the elders protect their own. Rule #2, see rule #1. If you are not one of the 'special in crowd' you are toast. The main thing to realize is that god has nothing to do with this style of 'justice'. This is a perfect chance for you to investigate what you have been taught your entire life. After all, the Watchtower encourages people to put their religion to the test, and see if it is true.

  • therealtruthsayer

    Sister so drunk she kisses a coloured witness

    So the fact that he's colored matters??

  • back2dafront

    Well yeah, you'd HAVE to be drunk to kiss a BLACK GUY, wouldn't ya? What was she thinking?!!

    <insert sarcasm here>


    Hopefully the problem was that he was married, not black.

    Welcome, PKing. Looking forward to more of your posts.


  • Elsewhere
    Sister so drunk she kisses a coloured witness (Married).

    Well, now... can't have THAT can we.

  • Pking

    To back2dafront and therealtruthsayer.

    Well i never said he was black. He was coloured. Theres a difference in the skin colour. (back2dafront)

    Yes, the worst thing is that he was married. And that they were such good friends, and then that had to happen. But it ALWAYS seemed like something was going on, cuz they Always out together and he left his wife behind. (Sneaky) Even his wife would flirt with the girls brother (he one who beat me up)

    Its just that here in SA its not the nicest thingto see and theeasiest thing to take in when you see different nations embracing eachother. Its not as easily accepted here as it is in other countries, Like the UK, there its normal, other races easily marry and share a happy life and is considered normal.

    So i was not putting my thumb on the "black" issue. But just pointing it out.

  • Pking

    To back2dafront and therealtruthsayer.

    Well i never said he was black. He was coloured. Theres a difference in the skin colour. (back2dafront)

    Yes, the worst thing is that he was married. And that they were such good friends, and then that had to happen. But it ALWAYS seemed like something was going on, cuz they Always out together and he left his wife behind. (Sneaky) Even his wife would flirt with the girls brother (he one who beat me up)

    Its just that here in SA its not the nicest thingto see and theeasiest thing to take in when you see different nations embracing eachother. Its not as easily accepted here as it is in other countries, Like the UK, there its normal, other races easily marry and share a happy life and is considered normal.

    So i was not putting my thumb on the "black" issue. But just pointing it out.

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