Their God The Watchtower

by bajarama 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • bajarama

    I am often confused by many of the double standards jdubs employ. They're always worried about how other jdubs view their actions. Many of them say they won't do "such and such" because it would offend their god jehovah. In reality, it is the watchtower's "man made rules" that the "rank and file" fear. These double standards, I believe have been caused by watchtower heavy yoke.

    Let's take my parents for example. My parents treat me like I'm in limbo, I'm both alive and dead to them. For example my parents who would not attend my civil wedding, because I'm d'fd, will be more than happy to come over and spend all day to help me and family move to our new home. They won't go to my civil wedding, but they came to the hospital when my two children were born. They won't come over and eat a meal with me, but they will bring veggies from the garden. When things have been tough they've given us food to eat, and money to pay some of our bills. In the past when they have came over to visit their grandchildren. My wife makes them pie and coffee which they love, but when we ask them to come over for a meal they say, "no, we don't want to offend jehovah." I know if the watchtower dropped the whole disfellowshiping thing my parents would immediatly treat me like their other children. It is not their god "jehovah" they worry about offending, it is their god the "watchtower".

    I have no interest in changing my parents viewpiont about the watchtower. I think if they found that the jdubs were full of it, they would both lose their damn minds. I would just like to be treated with respect as a son and a human being.

    Down With The Watchtower


  • Fredhall


    Which Watchtower are you talking about?

  • bajarama

    The same watchtower that would D'f you for even reading posts on this board. You apostate wanta be.


  • willy_think

    i think he is talking about the WT that the WTB&TS inc. used to usurp christ's authority as "the light", "the way" the "source of the truth", "the prophet of god", "the only way to the father"...ect....maby you read it.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • Farkel

    : Which Watchtower are you talking about?

    It goes by the Holy Name of "The Governing Body," you nitwit. And just like the "Jehovah" they claim to be the sole mouthpiece for, they will screw your life up if you merely disagree with their holy words. This is true even when they are wrong and later "adjust" their idiotic thinking. Speaking of "idiotic thinking," Freddie boy, have you any new toilet insults to hurl at me?


  • Fredhall

    No toilet insults for a toilet Farkel.

  • larc


    Count your blessings that your parents do as much as they do. Some parents wouldn't see you or your children under any circumstances. They are bending the rules because they love you. They can't do everything, but they are finding ways to see you and your family without violating their conscience.

  • bajarama

    It is what it is. I guess you have to look at everything from the best angle you can find. I mean it could be worse I could be Fred Hall son. When you look at it like that I'm a happy man.


  • Scorpion


    I agree with what larc said. Your family is breaking the rules a bit in order to still have contact.


    See the picture TR posts of you. Memorize it and accept your fate.

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