Is it just my distorted, critical reasoning and viewpoint on matters or has anyone here (i'm still new here) ever commented about why things appear so complex and complicated? I mean is it possible that a lot of the things we read in the Bible should be taken at face value?
Of course there is a lot of symbolism in the Bible. In Revelation for example, John was given a vision, obviously symbolic. Daniel had dreams. Fine.
But there are so many things that it seems we over-analyze and complicate.
For example, Jesus often taught using illustrations. They include things like showing love, being "on the watch," not putting all of your trust in material things, etc. Fine. Leave it at that.
Why do we seem to take a simple parable or illustration and come up with all sorts of convoluted (IMHO) meanings, and double meanings and this pictures this or that, and this is anti-typical of this or that .... and anyway, in the end, everything seems to end up picturing Chistendom or the Anointed. ?
I mean, did everyone in the Bible have to picture someone else ? Is it possible that unless otherwise specified, that the person is actually just that person and we can learn from what THAT PERSON did, either good or bad ??? Why is everything the Greater this or Greater that, the Jeremiah class, Greater Whoever ...
We have been taught that the Bible was written for the "common person" to understand, not just the scholarly. When I see "common" people with something like the Isaiah book, I mean, come on now! And then later we learn that what we thought it meant last week has changed, and it really doesn't mean that any more and on and on.
Sorry I'm rambling this time but maybe, just maybe, unless otherwise stated, things are a lot simpler and easier to understand than we are led to believe.
*****Rub a Dub