Wow the Witnesses must love this exposure lol

by recovering 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • recovering

    Hmmm not so squeaky clean

    For four days, Daniel Saynt didn’t answer his mother’s constant phone calls.

    “I just couldn’t face her,” Saynt recalled. “I had this pit in my stomach. I knew she had found out.”

    When he finally answered, his mom could barely speak between sobs. “I’ll never show this to your ­father!” she said.

    The shocked mother, a practicing Jehovah’s Witness, was looking at a Jan. 3, 2018, online article about her 35-year-old son — and how he runs one of New York City’s most exclusive millennials-only sex clubs, NSFW (New Society for Wellness).

    “She was angry, hurt and worried they’d have to excommunicate me,” The Bronx native told The Post. He had hidden his secrets — about his bisexuality and his free-love lifestyle — from his religious family for years, but was relieved to now be exposed. “I felt like it was time to come forward, and I didn’t want anything to stop me,” he said.

    Saynt started his elite sex group, which gathers weekly at a residential three-unit apartment building in Williamsburg, in 2015.

    NSFW now has 700 members — all meeting Saynt’s criteria of attractive, successful, avid social-media users — with an average age of 28. There are 300 more people on the waiting list, and more than 9,000 other applicants who didn’t make the cut. The membership fee is a one-time payment of $96, while each sex party carries an extra cost ranging from $30 to $150.

    Modal TriggerAngel Chevrestt

    Models, entrepreneurs, singers, actors, media professionals, stylists and A-to-B list celebrities make up the clientele.

    “It’s like the Soho House of sex,” said Saynt, referring to the swanky members-only social club.

    And it’s a long way from his religious past.

    Born Daniel Santiago at Albert Einstein Hospital in the Bronx, Saynt grew up poor and was raised by Puerto Rican parents devoted to their religion. He attended church every Sunday, woke up at 6 a.m. each morning to spread the gospel door-to-door before school and spent 10 hours a week at Bible study. As per the tenets of his religion, he did not celebrate birthdays or holidays, including Christmas.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    That's just what happens when young people leave Joe Hover.

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  • scratchme1010

    Age restricted sex clubs are not a new thing. If you ask me, they are doing the CDC a favor by staying (and spreading their pseudo-pandemics) within their own crop. Same goes for any of those sub-cultures.

    When I worked in HIV/AIDS Prevention education, I learned a lot about that type of events. Also, I came across quite a few former (as far as I knew) JWs when we were doing outreach campaigns to places where people get involved in high risk behaviors. Same thing when we were on the streets talking to prostitutes. I also found a former JW in a recovery house.

    JWs think of themselves as "not part of the world". It doesn't mean that's true just because they say so.

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  • flipper

    Really bizarre- in the you tube Daniel Saynt says , " I feel if people had more sex, there'd be less shooters in the world. " I guess that depends on what kind of "guns " a person is shooting

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  • steve2

    Well, each to their own, I suppose. He may find that there are more parents, JW or not, who would be disturbed by his sex-lifestyle. Who knows how many readers would empathize with the mother's reaction.

    That aside, I would question his line, "I feel if people had more sex, there'd be less shooters in the world." Some of the worst violence throughout human history has occurred in the context of relationships that have gone bad (jealous rages, stalking an ex-lover, etc.) In some countries, there are separate categories for such crimes often referred to as "crimes of passion" - France recognizes these.

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  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Just nasty.

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  • Vidiot

    Proof positive that without Jehovah's protective blanket, we'd all inevitably degenerate into a sweaty pile of heaving, nekkid bodies...


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