To NathanNatas and board

by meadow77 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • meadow77

    A while back I posted a request for help with some research

    Several people offered to help, including Nathan who I eventually emailed. It's been a while, and I realized I had never thanked him. I wanted to tell him Thank You, and everyone else who offered. Most of you are aware that I have family in the org. Despite their involvment we actually have a really good relationship. I always want to bring some things up, but usually lose my nerve, due to may fear that it will hurt our relationship. So, anyway on another board I got into a discussion with a JW, and was really kicking his hiney if I do say so myself, but he believed he had me on the ropes, cause I hadn't posted the full text articles for the quotes I used. What's funny is that he posted some of the full text articles, and the only thing he proved was that nothing was taken out of context. When I told him that I would get the full text articles, but that he would have to wait while I tried to contact some of my friends, he laughed. "What friends could you possibly have that would have that information? Any?" he asked. I smiled silently at my computer knowing something he didn't know. These kind of debates usually end up only planting seeds if nothing else, but I use them as sort of a trial run, so one day when I muster up the courage, and don't back out, I will have all my ducks in a row when I talk to my family. This is really not what this post is about, but I wanted to give some background.

    What he didn't know is that I could come here, and post a request for help, and get it. I could either get the full text articles, or find out where to get them, something he was positive no non-J-dub could possibly do. I have been a member here for a relativly short time, but I love being here. I am blessed in real life with some very good friends, and a wonderful family. Never having been much of a computer nut, I was surprised how quickly you could feel that people you've never even met could be your friends. I have seen people here offer heartbreaking personal stories that have inspired me more than anything I've ever heard. I have seen total strangers offer support and consolation. Sometimes if only words of encouragement, which sometimes mean the most. The people on this board are some of the most intelligent, compassionate, funny, and supportive I have ever known. There are disagreements of different levels sometimes, but what's a family without a few dysfunctional moments? Everyone here has their own views, and their own opinions, but you guys are able to put that aside and come together in fine style when you know someone needs you. Just like a family.I never get tired of coming here, and reading updates of Silentlambs, or JG's and others take on the latest WT, or people's takes on the latest television programming, or just an uplifting or funny stories someone wants to tell. People share their greatest intimate personal stories about babies, jobs, spouses, kids graduating college, birthdays, christmas trees, whatever. It's all out there, and I am so happy to be a part of it. Anyway the short of the long of it is, Thank You. I want to thank you that I know where to come if I need words of encouragment, or research help, or just somewhere to talk about the latest thing I heard in the news. I have never been a JW, but I have to admit a sadness before I came here. There were many unresolved issues having to deal with JW's that I never had a chance to express. Many things have felt good just to get them off my chest. Thank you for listening. I was bored with the mundane in and outs of my life, and I found someplace to go where everyday there is someone or something new. Thank you for your parts in that. I have had the great oppurtunity to talk more one on one with some in chat, you know who you are, thank you for the talks and fun we've had in chat. Overall, I just want to express my gratitude for being able to come here, and I want to thank you all for just being yourselves. With Valentines day coming up, I want to send a big Valentines day smooch to all of you.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    And we mist you until you came and brightened our Meadows! <throws chocolate kiss to Meadow from chandelier>


  • Simon

    There are a lot of good people around who are always willing to help.

  • meadow77

    CG- You are the sweetest! Right back at ya babe. Hope youv'e got some Shinerbock ready for chat.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Meadow,

    I appreciate your kind and generous words more than you can know. I consider it an honor to be one of your army of friends, and am always glad to be able to lend a helping hand.

    "What friends could you possibly have..?" INDEED!

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