Possible solution for the tax cuts

by freedom96 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    For those who feel that the new tax cuts that Bush proposed are are only going to help the rich:

    Consider this to start: You would be suggesting that a family that has a teacher and a cop in the same family are rich.

    Second, if it is so horrible that the "rich" get more tax cuts than anyone else, here is an idea:

    READY? Here is the secret...............

    Go out and make more money! This is America, land of free enterprise. If you want, get more education, get a better job. OR..... better yet.......

    Be creative, and start your own business. If you look at the statistics, most millionaires never went or finished college. Many did not finish high school. Go out and make something happen.

    People complain about the rich. Oh my! A friend of mine paid over 2 million in taxes alone last year. Be glad you don't have his tax bill! So who paid more in taxes?? Hmmm?? Does the fact that he worked hard, created a business a bad thing? No. Then why knock him?

    The rich always pay more. If you would rather get more tax cuts like you think they do, then I encourage you to do what they have done, and have fun doing it, and have fun spending the money.

  • Xander

    Wow, where do I sign up to have a fabulously wealthy relative die and leave me his fortune?

    Or, grow up in a family owning oil companies?

    Gosh, I'd sure love to make a bucket of money by selling a ball team, how do I get one donated to me?

  • Xander

    Personally, I still think the best solution is a flat 10% tax. Everyone pays 10% of anything they bring in. Nothing and nobody is exempt.

    Further, a flat 10% sales tax. Anything you buy - food, goods, cars, stocks, all flat 10% to gov't.

    And that's it for taxes.

  • Navigator

    The trouble with a 10% flat tax on purchases is that the politicians would soon raise it to 15%. I seem to recall that when I lived in Germany they added 15% Value Added Tax to just about everything. Taxing purchases is not the way to go. A flat tax on income would get my vote.

  • joannadandy
    Go out and make more money!

    Well shoot! If I would have only known this early on...cripes...why didn't someone tell me!

    Your oversimplification on such a vast issue baffles me.

    I'm sorry that I can't be in favor of a tax cut that will give me roughly 50 dollars. Economic stimulus has nothing to do with tax breaks for the wealthy...

  • Undecided

    If the politicians would stop giving away so much of our tax money to foreign nations then we could have a big tax cut.

    Ken P.

  • Yerusalyim

    While, "Go out and make more money" is kinda silly, here's the real question. If the upper 50% of income earners pay 85% of the taxes, any meaningful taxbreak would have to go to whom? Why, the upper 50%, correct.

    Folks in the million dollar a year bracket are paying just above 50%in total taxes (including SS, Income, sales) Why should they not get a break?

    I like the flat tax idea, to do it we'd have to completely rebuild the tax codes. A lot of people would fall of the tax rolls, we'd have to get away from itemized deductions and close the loopholes used by corporations and individuals, but it would be much more fair, and increase revenues. Since it makes sense, it will never EVER happen.

  • freedom96

    I would agree that a flat tax across the board would be perfect. 10% works for me.

  • Sentinel


    I agree with your "flat 10%" tax on every single person.

    That IS FAIR.

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