Where my cleaners at?

by dubstepped 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubstepped

    I was just wondering who else on here cleans for a living. We all know the dubs' penchant for cleaning, so I was wondering if my wife and I were the lone cleaners on here. We've cleaned together for 15+ years now. Everything from rentals to houses, from detailing cars to washing windows, with carpet cleaning and even some painting in there as well. We've also cleaned offices, a library, car dealerships, and banks. We now focus on house cleaning and have for years, with carpet cleaning and on rare occasions we'll detail a car for a cleaning client. No employees here, even though we've got a huge waiting list for our house cleaning services. Employees are just a hassle that we don't want to deal with, and honestly we love our clients and they are our friends and our family now that we've DA'ed.

    I gave up college and other entrepreneurial opportunities when I graduated high school to pioneer, as we all know for good dubs wanting to please that's what you do. I honestly don't regret the path my life has taken though. It could have been more lucrative for sure. However, my wife and I have an amazing relationship and we get to work together every day. Additionally, I get to listen to podcasts and books every day while I work, and it was those audio programs that helped broaden my perspective and eventually wake me up. I listened to books on codependence, emotional abuse, narcissism, ADHD, finance, business, and so much more. I listened to podcasts on psychology, mental illness, money, great true stories, and more. Those things exposed me to so much that helped me round out as a person instead of just having a life revolving around the narrow perspective of the JW religion. I also got to observe families that we work for and to see that they in no way reflected the bigoted view given to me from the religion that I grew up with, and the same for my wife. I have a great life now, and am soooooooo at peace since our DA'ing was announced last Wednesday, just one week ago.

    So, how about you? Any other cleaners here? What type of cleaning do you do? Has it served you other than simply being a job in ways?

  • OneEyedJoe
    My mother cleaned houses for probably 15 years before she went to college to get a masters degree (I guess she must realize on some level that the cult isn't doing anything for her) and I spent a few summers working for her in highschool. That's been a while ago now, though.
  • HappyDad

    Get in touch with Mr. Flipper. He is very successful with his cleaning business.


    PS....nothing wrong with a cleaning business at all. Money to be made if you work it right. Being self employed and happy/successful is wonderful!

  • DwainBowman
  • DesirousOfChange

    We (many members on here) often refer to the "window-washer" and "janitor" Eldubs pejoratively. Believe me, there is nothing intended to be negative about those means of making a living. It's an honest and very often a successful way to make a living. I know several who are very successful and have lived a modest "semi-retired" lifestyle working part-time at it for many years

    The pejorative part of it all is just that window-washers and janitors (and for that matter, carpenters, plumbers, equipment operators, etc etc etc) are simply NOT qualified to provide the "pastoral" assistance that members of the flock need when they are in trouble in their life. Other mainstream religions usually have college graduates (from a school of divinity, for example) that have some schooling in psychology and training that qualifies them to offer real assistance to people with problems in their lives.

    The WT training for Eldubs is a freaking JOKE. The only thing they have to offer is telling someone that all of their life problems comes from failing to pray, preach, and attend meetings enough. TOTAL BULLSHIT.

    Glad you're here. The entrepreneurial spirit has been lost among most Americans, yet being in your own business is the #1 means of becoming wealthy in our society. Just don't forget to put some aside for when you get old. As JWs we were convinced we would never need to do that.


  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Pioneered from school in the UK, started in banking but that was frowned upon so I started cleaning when I was 19. Have my own business, self employed and I am very picky as to what I take on. Have done all the shitty jobs in the past from stair washing (a killer), factory cleaning (worse) to home cleaning (never again) and now I have office cleaning and clinics.

    I earn more than my husband who is a college teacher (he went to school after 25 years cleaning), I have time to take part in charity work, I have been home for my children every day when they were little. I have two houses and an apartment in the south of France. All of this has been possible largely due to my earnings from cleaning and ignoring Jw counsel not to buy property back when it was relatively affordable.

    Do I regret staying with it? Yes and no, I wish I had woken up earlier from the JW dream and taken the education I dreamt of as a young girl, I wanted to teach history. Yet I have so many opportunities to learn now with internet being at my fingertips.

    I too have great friendships with my customers, they want to keep me until I retire they tell me. I am treated by directors and staff with great kindness and respect. We can discuss anything from religion, politics and family life when we meet. They all know I left the Jw's as I made sure that they knew this as they had known me as a very upright Jw for so many years. They can see how happy I am with my life now and we received flowers, cards, chocolates etc when it is my birthday and when we had family tragedy.

    Glad you are so happy with your wife...my husband is a dear and he comes with me once a week still, best worker I ever had.

    Regards Chicken little

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Dubstepped :-

    Life is about cleaning, it is something we all do. Dishes, clothes, baths, toilets they all need regular cleaning. The last fight I had with my wife was over the vacuum cleaner. You see I was watching the football on telly and that vacuum cleaner was making a hell of a noice, so I said:-

    " Couldn't you please use a broom"

    She said something I won't repeat !!

    On a serious note, whilst you don't need an education to clean windows, you do need self drive and determination to built that cleaning round up, You are self employed and generally earn damn good money. If you succeed at that, you can expand employ, move in to gardening and other forms of property maintainance. It seems to me cleaning can be a bloody profitable and very skilled profession,

    In my local market, the fish sales people,and the green grocers are great folks, all in family run business. They talk with great humor to the customers and are just great "NON EGO" people. I also know they are very rich and as qualified as cleaners.

    My point being and I really don't care about the red flags, I admire any person who makes a living that is honest, and not at the expense of cheating others. What is the difference between a dust man and a doctor? 0pportunity? Education? Ambition? What ever the difference both contribute greatly to my world and I appreciate and respect the work and effort they put in to making my world a better place.

    The Rebel

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