Does anyone on this board, understand how the WTS justifies helping your DF'd or DA's parent or child if they need medical or financial help (in the case of an aging parent) as this would be "honoring your parent", but calling them to see how they are doing (when they are well) is somehow is wrong? Can you "articulate" it as if you were a JW trying to explain it to an outsider? Or would it be apparent that there is something wrong with their teaching?
Doesn't it make sense that if that person is "dead" to you when they are well, that they are still "dead" to you when they are sick?
Obviously I don't wish them (the WTS) to change and make a ruling that would make JWs shun their sick relatives, but when I read a recent article in a WT publication about this issue, I started to think about this more.
I understand that the WTS can make any rule they wish (in this case how to treat DF'd or DA's persons) and also show what the exceptions to that rule might be, but why not leave it to the individual JW to decide?
Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
"The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size." --- Oliver Wendell Holmes