Odd Pioneer Stats

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Pioneer statistics from recent months:

    Sept. 2002 88,341
    October 2002 91,101
    November 2002 89,083

    This looks odd. You would expect a large increase in Sept. as
    kids getting out of school are pushed into pioneering - but it
    starts low, increases, and then drops by over two thousand
    in one month!

    Makes you wonder how real this reporting is, doesn't it?


  • truthseeker1

    apparently it is highly accurate, otherwise they wouldn't use such exact figures. LOL

  • ISP

    Reg pioneer stats should be pretty steady because of the long term nature of it. The figures should not jump up and down like aux. pioneer figures do.


  • blacksheep

    Not giving the stats any particular credibility, but doesn't October have some theocratic meaning? It seems (as I recall...) that certain things typical occur in that month (as in the Great Trib, etc), and don't JW's claim that Jesus was born in that month, which might signify something. I don't know. Could be that a few more folks just trying to get a last shot at showing "good works" before the end comes, and then they get disillusioned when it didn't happen so go back to what they were doing. ?? Anyone else remember the significance of October?? Or am I just having bad JW flashbacks...

  • Roddy

    >>This looks odd. You would expect a large increase in Sept. as
    kids getting out of school are pushed into pioneering - but it
    starts low, increases, and then drops by over two thousand
    in one month!<<

    Kids are staying in school! I guess persuing an exciting career in office or house cleaning is not appealing to the younger generation. I think the younger generation are not as lame minded as the WTS hoped they would get.

  • abbagail

    LOL, blacksheep, I think you've got it. For 12 years after being DF'd, I would become especially fearful near October. Because, as you state, October had significance in the WT's "time zone." Jesus' date of birth around Oct. 4-5th. And if I remember correctly, he supposedly "took Kingdom power" in the Fall (of 1914) as well. Hence, if the end would come, it might likely be in the Fall.

    Maybe the society encourages the pioneers to start out their new year in October, so they all start out with a bang, but then knowing they have an entire year to get in all of their hours, they proceed to slack off in the second month (November).

    I dunno... just guessing on that. Ne'er was a regular pioneeeeer! Only a lowly auxilliary several times.

  • benext

    The fluctuation is probably due to time not being recorded or turned into the Society by the 7th of the month. Once turned in it would be reflected on the next month's report.

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