The goal of holistic psychology in treating this disorder is to completely heal the body. This healing process will reduce the need for medication. Once medication has reduced the amount of manic depressive symptoms, healing techniques can be applied to prevent increases in medications and start the healing process. The ultimate goal of holistic psychology is to heal all body organs associated with the production of healthy brain chemicals and that prevent mood swings. Over time, if the healing techniques are successful, the need for medication is reduced and in some cases, people can eventually overcome their need for any medication. The method of applying holistic psychology is to assist the body to return to normal functioning as naturally as possible. Dr. Daniel Moore
Manic Depressive/Bipolar-Holistic Approach
by Seven 9 Replies latest watchtower medical
I just read your post and will check it out.
Starting to reach limit of meds and could
usen a fresh approach.battman
Thank you for an interesting post and an interesting web site. I had a couple comments. Lithium which cures about 70% of manic depressives is not a drug, but, rather, a simple simple salt. Its side effects appear to be minimal, but it does need to be monitered, because it can reach toxic levels in the blodd stream. Often, as people get older, their level of intake needs to be reduced, not because they are getting better but because thier body is not as effecient in getting rid of it, so it can become toxic if the dosage is not reduced. The pshycotropic drugs are more trouble. Over time some of them can lead to severe side effects in some patients.
It seems to me that Holistic Medicine or Holistic Psych. is common sense, that is, if you do your best to keep yourself in good health through proper, diet, excersise, sleep, and healthy activities, that it should help your immune system and improve your resistence to stress and illness. One new area mentioned in the article you suggested is bioeedback. This is a major technical break through and is a very useful theraputic technique.
At any rate, when a person is feeling down and out, they should try everything that makes sense in helping them get better.
Seven, thanks again for the interesting information.
Thank you for an interesting post and an interesting web site. I had a couple comments. Lithium which cures about 70% of manic depressives is not a drug, but, rather, a simple salt. Its side effects appear to be minimal, but it does need to be monitered, because it can reach toxic levels in the blodd stream. Often, as people get older, their level of intake needs to be reduced, not because they are getting better but because their body is not as effecient in getting rid of it, so it can become toxic if the dosage is not reduced. The pshycotropic drugs are more trouble. Over time, some of them can lead to severe side effects in some patients.
It seems to me that Holistic Medicine or Holistic Psych. is common sense, that is, if you do your best to keep yourself in good health through proper, diet, excersise, sleep, and healthy activities, that it should help your immune system and improve your resistence to stress and illness. One new area mentioned in the article you suggested is bioeedback. This is a major technical break through and is a very useful theraputic technique.
At any rate, when a person is feeling down and out, they should try everything that makes sense in helping them get better.
Seven, thanks again for the interesting information.
Hi larc and battman, I found Dr.Moore's clinic website to be quite useful. The book store provides a list of good reading material and inquiries can be made by email.
7, a recent Q & A onthe Myss site......
Recently my 20 years old son has been diagnosed with a mental illness. Bipolar/Personality disorders. In my heart I feel a lot of this is emotional
and desperately need your advice I would fly him to you. The world
can be very cruel and he is trying not to withdrawal... totally...please
help us. Doctors think I am in denial but my son’s soul and mine our
connected and I feel his pain. Please help...we live in Upstate New
York...near Buffalo. I would bring him to you. He has a special purpose her and I don't believe it is to live in an institution...
Thank you for listening,
A mother who loves,Answer
Without having a good clinical history of your son, I am not able to give you specific answers but I can give you some comforting information.
You say your son was diagnosed with a “bipolar personality disorder”. Clarify that with your doctor because that is not an existing diagnosis. It could be Bipolar Affective Disorder but not what you mentioned. If it is a bipolar affective disorder, he does not have to be institutionalized for that illness. There are mood-stabilizing medications and psychotherapy that can help maintain affect within normal limits. For example, the comedian Jonathan Winters is bipolar and has been very successfully in his career with professional help. Mood stabilizers like Lithium and others are not addictive and work as mood regulators.
Be careful not to over-react to your son’s condition because it will stress him more than help him.
How long has your son had problems with mood fluctuations? Does he use alcohol or drugs? Does he use excessive sugar in his diet? Does he go from periods of excessive energy with little sleep, racing thoughts, impaired judgment lasting for days or weeks, followed by periods of low energy, depressed mood, over-sleeping and hopelessness? Is there a history of bipolar illness in the family? Has he suffered significant childhood trauma?
These are questions that you can ask and then get back with us if you wish.s
jezebel influence
Can some one tell me what is BIpolar? Is it Manic depression?How do you know if some one has this?
I am glad this came up here .
Just wanted to add a note about the concept of holism. Unfortunately, holism seems to be one of those words that's overused. To me it would be very shallow understanding to just treat different parts or aspects (mental & physical etc) of yourself. That's like saying "do everything you can", anyone who's really seeking relief will naturally do that anyways. Of course, if you give no thought to all the things you try it would be rather reckless not to mention costly in more ways than one. The idea of complementary or integrative medicine makes more sense to me. For example, you might take nutritional supplements, but it would make more sense if you develop an overall nutrition program that considers both your diet and supplements so you can see exactly what you're taking in, and supplement with what is needed. It's also a good idea to balance your nutritional intake with activity. Of course there's also mental health, and I think it would be a good idea to consider other mental activities aside from analysis of the pathology, what you might call "positive things" but really I think it's just a matter of living life. That in turn points to having support, issues dealing with socialization and so on. This may sound very similar to some holistic treatment programs, but my point is that the one being treated should have an understanding of it's integral nature, that one domain affects the other and have some idea of HOW it all works together.
In a way, I think it's a little ironic to speak in terms of "treating" holistically, because especially when it comes to mental health issues, it seems to me you really want to have the patient play an active role in their recovery.
BTW Jez: Yes it's the same thing.
Interesting, I do think anything that is going to help you physically will in turn help your mental state. I don't however agree with a completely holistic approach to treating bipolar disorder, at least not in my case.
Also, to the person whose son was diagnosed with "bipolar personality disorder", I've never heard of that before. I have heard of Borderline Personality Disorder. Some people with this disorder are misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. If it is BPD (borderline), Dialectic Behavioral therapy is helping a lot of people cope.
I've found that anti-convulsants work good for bipolar disorder with minimal side effects and without having to be monitored in many cases unlike lithium. In any case, I think you treat the individual and symptoms more than an across the board one drug fits all approach.
lol, this thread was created 8 years ago. oops. guess this forum doesn't get a lot of action.