When i read on this board this come to my mind.
My parents come in to the JW religion in the early 50 ties, the are what you can say very devoted JW, how are apsolutly loyal to the organisaition. I think most of them have a nice life, they have learnd a lot o diffrent peopel, in sevice fore exampel, they have travel a lot , been on assambleys , have a lot of resposabilyti in the organisaition, and most of them are 70-80 year old now, they are still the ones how hold upp the diffrent congs, in many placeses.This is what I called first gen JW.
we as are there children was growing upp inn the truth, we was told this is the only religion, and it was no qestion, we must walk ther way, we was told we are living in the last generation, and so on, most of us in my generation follow our parents, i think 90 %, i see that a lot of peopel here is from this second gen JW,some have been very dissapointed, and leave , after serving alomost ther hole life in the organisation, perhaps some never study so much , was beliving what the parents say, and when something happend like this gen thing or 75, or bigger control , and harder dfd system. some started to read a lot, and find things they never seen before, like all this 1925, 1944, prediktions, and also perhaps 1914 and what realy was said about that, or not said.
But a lot of 2 gen JW are still in, and try to do the best of situation like myself.
then we have third gen JW, our children, now start the problems, when we was young, it was not so comen to qestion your parents, suddenly this change, we find that our children was qestion evrything, and we have a very hard time to answer, the result is that a lot of 3 gen JW never was JW, or left wery young, in our cong we have 20 % left and 80 gone, myself of 5 children 3 are away, only one inn.
well how now whats best, one thing is clear, we as second gen was in some way forced in, it was not so easy fore us to say now, it was almost deadly sin to qestion things, i can not complain, fore me this life have been radher good, if i compare it widh what life my friends from the word have going truh. I can say realy intresting, travel a lot i diffrent countryies, on assamblies meet a lot of intresting peopel , i think this internationall brotherhood is one of JW most positive things.
bad things i dont need to tell, most of you do this much better.