Or so implies a JW in a Witness group on yahoo. In a thread titled "child abuse and the U.N." a witness posted the following message.
New claims against Boston Archdiocese name 13 additional priests
he number of priests in the Boston Archdiocese accused of sexually molesting children grew to 130 yesterday, with the filing of a rash of new lawsuits that name 16 priests as molesters for the first time.The new lawsuits, filed on behalf of 70 new alleged victims, include charges of rape, attempted rape, and fondling of minors against 40 priests and a former church worker who is believed to be a deacon. At least three of the 40 priests are in active ministry.
ishop Richard G. Lennon declared yesterday that the Archdiocese of Boston is in more serious financial trouble than he had thought, and that he expects to be closing schools and making other unpopular cutbacks over the next several weeks.http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=6026&Cr=children&Cr1=conflict
Security Council calls for an immediate end to recruitment of child soldiers
The Council also noted with concern all the cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of women and children, especially girls, in humanitarian crisis, including those cases involving humanitarian workers and peacekeepers. In that regard, it requested contributing countries to incorporate the Six Core Principles of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Emergencies into pertinent codes of conduct for peacekeeping personnel and to develop appropriate disciplinary and accountability mechanisms.Full reports all at the links above.
Its interesting that the U.N. must stand in "a holy place". Could the U.N. regulate religions via the governments and the courts in giving the welfare of children more protection in some form.It sure pays to stay awake for sure!! Hey just a thought!!
My first thought when seeing the title of the tread, was that a JW was going to bring up something about the problems of child molestation in the Organization and the recent UN association. Boy was I wrong, I should have known better.
The article in the link concerning the U.N. has absolutely nothing to do with religion. This is just another fanatic drooling in anticipation of persecution.
If the governments eventually take some action to help prevent child molestation in religion, I'm sure that Witnesses will be convinced that the governments are turning against them. Persecution is easy to find when you go looking for it, especially when you close your eyes to your own responsibility.
Anyway, I thought everyone would enjoy this insanely stupid post.
Edited to fix formating
Edited by - pseudoxristos on 30 January 2003 21:36:47