This week's study ( No. 88) on the illustration of Abraham and the begging Lazarus and the rich man, all dying, in heaven and hell fire. ---really.
The bible stories, convoluted as they are, even more pretzelled by wt.
by waton 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
This week's study ( No. 88) on the illustration of Abraham and the begging Lazarus and the rich man, all dying, in heaven and hell fire. ---really.
The bible stories, convoluted as they are, even more pretzelled by wt.
Agreed we are told Jesus used illustrations that the people could relate to. So Why did he use a heaven and hell illustration?
The WT interpretation of the rich man and Lazarus account is ludicrous.
It's not even internally consistent.
For example, "death" means a reversal of circumstances in this life... until the very end, where coming back from the dead means... coming back from the dead.
Actually the bible itself is one big "illustration" of nonsense meets mythology!
just saying!
The WT simply applies the illustration to the rich Pharisees of Jesus day and the poor man as the common people and suggested a coming change of circumstances.
We used to be told that "Churches " used it to support a hell fire doctrine. Logic and reasoning would show such an application to be wrong.
What was Jesus really saying? ..... search me, I am no scholar and those that are , do not agree.
do not agree.
WT would do every rank and file member a favor by not offering any explanations or opinions about anything Bible related. One only has to think how for decades WT applied Joel 2 regarding the significance of Locusts...just this year they did a 180° about-face on their previous understanding...what quacks!
Ayiyi...I remember those convoluted explanations of that rich man and Lazarus one. They never made any a lot of other things.....esp that red revelation book. Flights of fancy....
Thank you all, I am not a bible scholar, but
These passages look to me as later additions (obviously approved by the HS, watcher over inspirations),
The moral of the story:
If you are rich, fat, you will burn well in hell***, we the writers are the keeper of the books, and bookkeepers, so gives us your unrighteous riches, before you have to plea with Abraham and Lazarus, who managed to be already "in haven".
Same with the overweight rich man trying to get through the needle, divest yourself of the excess wealth, and give to the temple, church, wt inc, so as give yourself a half chance. Corban is the word.
*** On the same night's program there was a person burning featured. flames from beginning to end.