Did this really happen?

by Undecided 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I received this in an email. Is it really true?

    Can you believe the following from Paul Harvey?PAUL HARVEY -- THIS WILL OPEN YOUR EYES -- Truth or Fiction
    > Conveniently Forgotten Facts
    > By Paul Harvey
    > Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow black
    > panther named... Alex Rackley needed to die. Rackley was suspected of
    > disloyalty. Rackley was first tied to a chair. Once safely
    > immobilized, his friends tortured him for hours by, among other things,
    > pouring boiling water on him.
    > When they got tired of torturing Rackley, Black Panther member, Warren
    > Kimbo took Rackley outside and put a bullet in his head. Rackley's body
    > was later found floating in a river about 25 miles north of New Haven,
    > Perhaps at this point you're curious as to what happened to these Black
    > Panthers. In 1977, that's only eight years later, only one of the
    > killers was still in jail. The shooter, Warren Kimbro, managed to get a
    > scholarship to Harvard, and became good friends with none other than Al
    > Gore. He later became an assistant dean at an Eastern Connecticut State
    > College. Isn't that something?
    > As a '60s radical you can pump a bullet into someone's head, and a few
    > years later, in the same state, you can become an assistant college
    > dean! Only in America!
    > Erica Huggins was the lady who served the Panthers by boiling the water
    > for Mr. Rackley's torture. Some years later Ms. Huggins was elected to
    > a California School Board.
    > How in the world do you think these killers got off so easy?
    > Maybe it was in some part due to the efforts of two people who came to
    > the defense of the Panthers.
    > These two people actually went so far as to shut down Yale University
    > with demonstrations in defense of the accused Black Panthers during
    > their trial.
    > One of these people was none other than Bill Lan Lee. Mr. Lee, or Mr.
    > Lan Lee, as the case may be, isn't a college dean. He isn't a member of
    > a California School Board. He is now head of the US Justice
    > Department's Civil Rights Division, appointed by none other than Bill
    > Clinton.
    > O.K., so who was the other Panther defender?
    > Is this other notable Panther defender now a school board member? Is
    > this other Panther apologist now an assistant college dean?
    > No, neither!
    > The other Panther defender was, like Lee, a radical law student at Yale
    > University at the time. She is now known as The "smartest woman in the
    > world."
    > She is none other than the Democratic senator from the State of New York
    > -- our former First Lady, the incredible Hillary Rodham Clinton.
    > And now, as Paul Harvey said; You know "the rest of the story".
    > Pass this on! This deserves the widest possible press. Also remember
    > it, if and when she runs for President!

  • ITguy

    It's False

  • JeffT

    Only part of it is true. The article is long, but it you go to snopes.com and type "black panthers" into the search line you can see the real story.

  • gsx1138

    The sick part is that someone was actually tortured for hours then shot in the head and dumped in the river. Then nothing came out of it because of politics.

  • email

    Comming from those Communists (the Clintons) I wouldn't doubt it.

  • borgfree

    Nothing politically biased about that article!

    It's difficult for those who weren't around to experience the 1960s first-hand to fully understand the controversy that swirled around "radical" parties such as the Black Panthers

    I was around. They were murdering criminals.

    Certainly to many Americans they represented the very worst of that era's political movements: a group of hate-filled militants who felt their disaffection with the existing social and political systems justified anything required to achieve their aim of "revolution by any means necessary"


    To others, however, they were the only political group that truly represented a downtrodden and marginalized group of people who had been enslaved, discriminated against, and denied civil rights protections for hundreds of years;

    Of course, to like minded communists and radicals wanting to overthrow the government.

    Enslaved? anyone know a slave existing in the 60s or 70s? No bias here.

    That several Black Panthers directly took part in the torture and murder of Alex Rackey is beyond dispute, and to those of us who believe that torture and murder are always wrong, no matter what the cause, their actions were morally reprehensible. Butthis piece isn't really about outrage over what the Black Panthers did thirty years ago; it's a political tract whose purpose is to discredit the Clintons

    BUT, that is know as an eraser word, it in effect erases everything said before the but.

    And, to discredit the Clintons? No bias here either. The Clintons did a very good job of discrediting themselves, their political opponents did not need to go to the effort.

    I am going to quit at that. The entire excuse for the criminals speaks for itself. And, I am feeling a little disgusted by the entire article.


  • happyout

    To get back to the original question, Did this really happen? The answer is, the torture and killing did, the slanderous things about Hillary Clinton and Bill Lan Lee did not. It's scary to me that people pass this kind of stuff around and some choose to believe it without any investigation, just because it happens to fit their already negative impression of the person(s) mentioned. Not saying that was the case here, you clearly were asking for confirmation, but I have seen this kind of thing go around, and not everyone bothers to confirm what they read. Urban legends at their worst.

  • borgfree

    I have not had the time to do a lot of research on this but I think to say

    the slanderous things about Hillary Clinton and Bill Lan Lee did not

    is a little misleading.

    The source I have found is, I believe, leftist, and I think, would not necessarily tell "the whole story" However even he, David Emery, says that Hillary was indeed involved.

    Examining the evidence objectively, readers may find reason to disagree with Ms. Clinton's college-age politics and even question her judgment in certain matters, but they will find nothing to support the inference that her actions at the time went beyond legal or moral bounds.
    Was Hillary Clinton a "defender" of the Black Panther murderers?Not in the sense implied. Remember, these were accused murderers at the time she and other campus activists took up their cause (unless presumption of innocence somehow doesn't apply here). Secondly, there was a widespread suspicion among leftists that the Panther leaders had been framed by police and in any case were unlikely to get a fair trial in New Haven. Lastly, it's evident from the role for which Clinton volunteered during the actual trial that of observer for the American Civil Liberties Union that her interest lay precisely in its fairness and legality.

    Did Clinton organize demonstrations that "shut down" Yale University?
    She was involved in such demonstrations, but how major a leadership role she played is under dispute. Eyewitness accounts place her at planning meetings but also characterize her as contributing a "moderate voice" to those proceedings. For the record, the demonstrations did not "shut down" the university. Similar protests went on at schools across the country.

    Mikkelson's piece was derided on one conservative message board as a "a thinly-veiled whitewash." The angry reader wrote: "The learned liberals with their college libraries and research powers appear to first find an answer they like and then use their intellect and university education to obfuscate the truth that might hurt their views or their hallowed leaders."

    I must stop here because of time, but I think it is clear that Hillary was involved.


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