Dont know if this information is old or of any value. I found it on a Yahoo! discussion board in Spain. It is an ex-witness group. I am assuming that there were many requests sent to the UN from either this group or from many Spanish-speaking people.
My translation follows. The original message in Spanish is attached at the bottom. The red text is from whoever posted this document on the Spanish website.
11 of Octubre
To Whom It May Concern:
Recently, the Department of NGOs (Non-governmental Organizations) has received numerous questions regarding the relationship of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York with the Department of Public Information (DPI). This organization applied for association with the DPI in 1991, and received membership in 1992. Upon acceptance of membership with the DPI, the Organization agreed to comply with the requirements of association, including support and acceptance of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and the requirement of creating and conducting definite programs of disseminating information among their members and with the general public, regarding the activities of the United Nations.
In October of 2001, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York asked to terminate their association with the DPI. In accordance with their petition, the DPI decided to terminate the association of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York effective the 9 th of October, 2001
We appreciate your interest in the work of the United Nations.
Paul Hoeffel
NGO Section
Department of Public Information
[email protected]
Fecha: sb feb 1, 2003 5:38 am
Asunto: Documento - PaulHoeffelespanol.htm
11 de Octubre de 2001
A Quien Pueda Interesar:
Recientemente la seccin de ONGs (Organizaciones No Gubernamentales) ha recibido numerosas preguntas sobre la relacin de La Sociedad Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York con el Departamento de Informacin Pblica (DPI). Esta organizacin solicit su asociacin con el DPI en 1991, y se le concedi en 1992. Al aceptar su asociacin con el DPI, la Organizacin acept acatar los criterios de asociacin, incluyendo el apoyo y respeto por los principios de la Carta de Naciones Unidas, y el compromiso para generar y conducir programas efectivos de informacin con sus miembros y con una audiencia mayor, acerca de las actividades de Naciones Unidas.
En Octubre de 2001, La Sociedad Watctower Bible and Tract Society de Nueva York, solicit la terminacin de su asociacin con el DPI. Atendiendo la solicitud, el DPI ha tomado la decisin de desasociar a la Sociedad Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York a partir del 9 de Octubre de 2001.
Apreciamos su inters en el trabajo de Naciones Unidas,
Paul Hoeffel
Seccion de ONG
Departmento de Informacin Pblica