Double Language

by JH 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    How good the JW's are for using the right verse to prove their point. Now a days, a witness could talk about rumours of war(USA and IRAQ), and use the right verse to prove their point. When there are no conflicts in the world, they use the verse that says"Peace and Security". Once again they have the upper hand, because they know what to say at the right time.

    What other double language do they use to misguide others?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    jehovah rewards us - jehovah punishes us - as proven by the events - it must be jehovah

  • JH

    They will urge you to get baptized to be saved. But once baptized, you still aren't saved unless you go door to door all the time.

  • Ed

    Customs practised by any other religion are "not authorized by the scriptures", whereas customs practised by JWs are "not forbidden anywhere in the scriptures".

    And I was always fascinated by the JWs obsession with demons. They're everywhere, it seems. And if you get hassled by them, that's supposed to mean you need to draw closer to God's Organisation (TM) for protection. So while discussing the topic with several JWs, I mention that I have never seen any evidence of demons nor been the subject of an attack. And what is the reply? "Well if you're not spiritually strong in the organisation, why would they waste their time trying to mislead you?"


    Problems with demons = spiritual weakness

    No problem with demons = spiritual weakness

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    numbers are up - jehovah is helping us (recruits)

    numbers are down - jehovah is helping us (sifting)

    the light just gets brighter (reflecting off the rest of the world who shame us into changing)

  • larc

    They say that increasing numbers is a sign of God's blessing during good times for them. They say the "love of the greater number is cooling off" as their growth is leveling off. Yes, they have a rational or a scripture for every occasion.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    • other religions are religions, but our religion is not a religion
    • other religions have clergy and rules, so they aren't equal - our elders, co's and po's aren't like that - they're called 'brothers'
    • if what we tell you is wrong then it's simply your fault for being so over-zealous as to believe it
    • the world = everyone in the world except us - we're just regular sort of people

  • heathen

    I especially like this one --- new light = we weren't wrong it just wasn't time to understand. apostate= people that didn't like the old light and left. I guess that's why they feel they have to be loyal to the org at all times because to question is to reject Jehovahs arrangement of letting idiots tell everyone what to believe .

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