Channel 375 DirectTV 3PM Eastern.
Panorama on right now
by NameWithheld 1 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
i have seen this program and used to attend meetings at a hall featured on it.
what organisation who claim to be "NO PART OF THIS WORLD"has the cheek to build its head office in NEW YORK ,the world centre
of "MONEY AND POWER"and then put there name in neon lights,somehow i belive if jesus came back and saw that he would be discusted
i live in there so called world and have very good friends.If i ever found out that any of them would ever got involved with it they would be exposed to the police.
An organisation wich is supposed to be directed by god would never let this abuse happen ,never mind hide it
i live a far loving and happier life than i ever did in the jws,my heart and love goes out to all who have been abused in all sorts of ways.
ONE DAY WE WILL REALEY BE IN PARADICE ( sorry about hte spelling and typing )