"Every gun that is made,every rocket fired signifies,in the final sense,a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,those who are cold and are not clothed.This world in arms is not spending money alone.It is spending the sweat of its laborers,the genius of its scientists,the hopes of its children...This not the way of life at all in any true sense.Under the cloud of war,it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron".
These remarks were made in a speech delivered by former President Dwight D.Eisenhower when he spoke before the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 1953.
He was severely criticized for it because he was a West Point graduate.
That was 50 years ago.If he was alive today,what do you think his remarks would be now.BTW. His Mother was of the anointed and the family use to have bible studies in their home and were associated with Jehovah's Witnesses back when he was a 5 star General during world war two.He then later became President of the U.S.A. Blueblades
And that ain't all. The greatest military genius ever produced by this country, perhaps the greatest military genius ever produced on this planet: Douglas MacArthur frequently and in no uncertain terms made references to "the utter futility of war."
It's only the politicians who think things can be resolved by fighting. And this starts with the schoolyard bully.
I hear that jimmy carter, nelson mandella, and the pope are against the coming iraq massacre. But i'm not quoting those guys. Here are some words from that counterculture nut frank zappa.
Dumb All Over by Frank Zappa...
Whoever we are
Wherever we're from
We shoulda noticed by now
Our behavior is dumb
And if our chances
Expect to improve
It's gonna take a lot more
Than tryin' to remove
The other race
Or the other whatever
>From the face
Of the planet altogether
They call it THE EARTH
Which is a dumb kinda name
But they named it right
'Cause we behave the same...
*We are dumb all over*
Dumb all over,
Yes we are
Dumb all over,
Near 'n far
Dumb all over,
Black 'n white
People, we is not wrapped tight
Nerds on the left
Nerds on the right
Religous fanatics
On the air every night
Sayin' the Bible
Tells the story
Makes the details
Sound real gory
'Bout what to do
If the geeks over there
Don't believe in the book
We got over here
You can't run a race
Without no feet
'N pretty soon
There won't be no street
For dummies to jog on
Or doggies to dog on
Religous fanatics
Can make it be all gone
(I mean it won't blow up
'N disappear
It'll just look ugly
For a thousand years...)
You can't run a country
By a book of religion
Not by a heap
Or a lump or a smidgeon
Of foolish rules
Of ancient date
Designed to make
You all feel great
While you fold, spindle
And mutilate
Those unbelievers
>From a neighboring state
Hooray! That's great
Two legs ain't bad
Unless there's a crate
They ship the parts
To mama in
For souvenirs: two ears *(Get Down!)
Not his, not hers, *(but what the hey?)
The Good Book says:
("It gotta be that way!")
But their book says:
With whips 'n chains
'N hand grenades..."
Have another and another
Our God says:
"There ain't no other!"
Our God says
"It's all okay!"
Our God says
"This is the way!"
It says in the book:
"Burn 'n destroy...
'N repent, 'n redeem
'N revenge, 'n deploy
'N rumble thee forth
To the land of the unbelieving scum on the other side
'Cause they don't go for what's in the book
'N that makes 'em BAD
So verily we must choppeth them up
And stompeth them down
Or rent a nice French bomb
To poof them out of existence
While leaving their real estate just where we need it
To use again
For temples in which to praise OUR GOD*
("Cause he can really take care of business!")
And when his humble TV servant
With humble white hair
And humble glasses
And a nice brown suit
And maybe a blond wife who takes phone calls
Tells us our God says
It's okay to do this stuff
Then we gotta do it,
'Cause if we don't do it,
We ain't gwine up to *hebbin!*
(Depending on which book you're using at the time...Can't use theirs... it don't work