Twisted Logic

by Tatiana 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    I talked to my brother the other day. We got into a discussion about his running away at age 12. I didn't see him for 10 years, until his high school graduation in Chicago. I missed a big part of his life. And we're trying to get closer today, since we are the only two left.

    I knew that he'd run away because of my mom. My step-dad and her had divorced. He moved back to his birthplace, Chicago. She stayed in SC with my brother. I was married at this time. Living about 250 miles away.

    One day I got a call and it was my mom crying. Telling me she'd come home from work and my brother was gone. He didn't even leave a note. I knew my mom and him were having a lot of problems because he did not want to get baptized. I didn't know how bad it had become.

    He told me the other day that the reason he ran away was because of the backwards logic of the witnesses. He said he'd asked my mom a simple question.....

    "When I am 12, will I be old enough to make the decision to get baptized?"

    My mom of course said, "Yes. I think you will be old enough to know that you want to serve Jehovah."

    So, when my brother turned 12 years old, he told my mom he DID NOT WANT TO GET BAPTIZED. That he had made the decision he didn't want to be a witness. That he didn't think it was the true religion. That he thought it had broken our family apart.

    Well, obviously, by their logic, he was old enough to decide he WANTED to be a witness, but not old enough to decide he DIDN'T want to be one. Because after that, all hell broke loose. My mom went into his room, searched it. Tore down all his posters. Put him on punishment, forbade him to see his friends, allowed no phone calls, and a host of other things guaranteed to keep him from the "worldly influences" that were poisoning his mind!

    So, he called his dad (my stepdad) and flew to Chicago. He never went back. And I missed 10 years of his life. Happily, I am in Chicago now, and we are making up for lost time!! :)

    It just makes me sooooooo angry when they use this kind of logic and can't see how backwards it is. Or just decide NOT to see.....


  • AlanF

    Sounds to me like your mother is completely out of her mind.

    Glad to hear you and your brother are hooking up again. You have a lot of making up for lost time to do.


  • freedom96

    Another sad example of how the WTS tears apart families and friends. Glad you have been able to reunite with your brother. Best wishes!

  • sf

    I agree. This is wonderful for you both.

    I cannot even imagine the day one of my jw relatives gets out of that corrupt organization.



  • Xander

    So, when my brother turned 12 years old, he told my mom he DID NOT WANT TO GET BAPTIZED

    Can't speak for the present, but that was a DAMN smart kid....

    I'm just LOLing at that. Oh, I'm sure your mom was pissed, but ya gotta admit, that's thinking.

    I just can't get over how EVIL the WT is in brainwashing people. The sad part is that I'm sure your mom didn't think twice about her reaction. Of *COURSE* he was old enough at 12 to WANT to get baptized - *everyone* WANTS to get baptized, after all, right?

    IOW, she was enforcing by her actions that the decision to get baptized or not is not actually a decision. At 12, you are old enough to get baptized, but you are most certainly NOT old enough to decide if you want to get baptized.

  • meadow77

    Tatiana- I am so glad to hear you and your brother are making up for lost time. Good for your brother to have been so smart at such a young age, too bad standing up for himself caused him so much hurt.

    Meadow your sister in thread killing


    In WBTS World your always old enough to make the right decision(theirs)..Never old enough to make the wrong decision(anything they don`t like)....In WBTS World you always have a choice.Which is no choice at all...OUTLAW

  • Tatiana

    Thanks meadow...:) (these damned smiley things won't work for me anymore!)

    outlaw, you are so right. It's always the right choice when it's THEIR choice.

    And the same thing happened with my niece. My mom had custody of her for a while. When my niece was 12 my mom started talking to her about getting baptized. I don't know if this was some kind of "magical" age or what! hehe

    Anyway, she laid the guilt on (my niece was always very timid and easily manipulated, especially by a master like my mom), and my niece got baptized (against my advice) when she was 12. When she was 16, she ran away, started doing acid, drinking, smoking, and pierced her nose with a safety pin. Later she did go back, but at 12, no one is competent enough to make a decision like that.


  • ugg

    that is so sad.....i am glad you have found each other now....

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