Well I just had my Elder visit here in my temporary job location town. Stood on the door stoop was not allowing them in my home uninvited. My family had their visit on the weekend while I was down there(260 miles away) visiting. Elders asked me was I going to the meetings, and I said no, asked could they ask why I said I did not care to discuss it. Also asked did I still consider myself or did I still want to be one of JW's, also answered I did not care to discuss it. One mentioned a scripture about Jehovah being camped all around(IChronicles16:9 he said it was) and asked me how did that scripture makes me feeI with the world so uncertain, that it made him very feel good. I've been working and living here temporarily for 11 months and never got a visit from any one at this hall. It is a shame that Elders allow themselves to be the henchmen for headquarters.Well so much for that I don't expect them back becaus I told them I would be moving back to my permanent address in a couple of months. What is this big thing that they want to know if you still want to be or consider yourself a JW since they asked my family the same question there?
Elder Visit
by livingagain 4 Replies latest jw friends
The deal is, the Society is using these visits to weed out marginal people. Several people who gave the "wrong" answers have already been DA'd. I think that in the long run, anyone who answers that they don't want to be a JW anymore will be DA'd. Unfortunately, a lot of elders -- decent ones, anyway -- don't know that they're being USED. They think they're doing a fine work, trying to reactivate people. But I think that eventually, after the Society gets statistics, they'll tell the elders to DA everyone who didn't jump at the chance to be reactivated.
They have a campaign for jan, feb and march to visit all inactive ones. It's announced in a kingdom minstry. Stephanus has made them available for download.
But I think that eventually, after the Society gets statistics, they'll tell the elders to DA everyone who didn't jump at the chance to be reactivated.
That sounds about right. Why would they carry 'dead weight'.....inactive people are death to their 'numbers'. I dare them to come by and harass me. I have more than one (all perfectly legal) surprise waiting for them.
it may have slipped past me, but did we see a boe letter descibing how these visits should be handled? it seems like the same questions are being asked in the same manner, so there must have been specific instruction on this"loving" arrangement to reactivate ones?