New books released during last year's convention season. Does it seem strange to anyone else that a "pacisfist" organisation should use a photo sourced from the US Navy as the cover of one of their books? Has anyone obtained these books? If so, what are the highlights, both good and bad, in your opinion?
Has Anyone Seen These Books?
by Stephanus 8 Replies latest jw friends
William Penwell
I have the book but I don't knwo where I put it. I better check the round filing cabinet. LOL If you want to know something I can tell you what it says.
"Youths- what will you do with your life?" "designed to help young & 'witless' make right decisions regarding their future??"
Translation: We want you to stay away from university, colleges and anywhere else you may try to gain knowledge. We want you to stay 'witless' forever!!!
Such rags!
William Penwell
You got it Dot. You have to keep these youths ignorant.
It was pretty obvious to me, too, on reading that blurb that tertiary education was low on the "to do list" for Jehovah's faithful youth...
Anyone got the brochure?
no I don't have the just familiar with the mentality
As well, I am in university now 10 yrs after the time I should have been that I am no longer 'witless' I can learn new things! LOL
Both books and the brochure are at my house. When my parents came home from the convention they felt compelled to give me a copy of all the words of eyegirl, "weeeee!"
Yeah, got them, read them.... so what..........nothing new.....same old blah blah blah.... some nice little examples..... but nothing rivetting.........
But now i will have to go and check the photo.... very observant.... maybe the UN paid them to do it.. you just never know LOL
MRS Nightwarrior
Simon posted a scan of the youth leaftlet a while back
Edited by - angharad on 7 February 2003 7:27:56