I know someone who was working for an elder. When she got disfellowshipped, he gave her two weeks noticed and paid for one... She didn't bring that SOB to court as it was her own father. That happened about a months ago.
Another example is that me and my family have become inactive. Rather then simply telling my friends and others as to why I have left, I have faded out for fear of loosing my family. I have another friend who has done the same thing recently as well.
A member of my family has tried to commit suicide this year. One of the major factor was the fact that she has left the witnesses, lost all her friends, a good portion of the family, and that, while simply becoming inactive!
The problem that I see here is that we were all quiet about these things. None of the "rank and file"s know about these stories and the watchtower appears clean. Why? Because we are all so afraid of loosing our families.
One additional reason is that we know full well that these stories could appear small to active members who will easily dismiss them away as the "odd" events. But if we were ALL doing it, then, they would realize that these things happen everywhere, all the time. These are not the exceptions but the very life of JW who claim they give more love than pain.
Right now, I feel that it is not yet my time to hold this fight; I don't even know if I ever will. F**k.. they have my family! The only thing that I know is that while we are not prepared to make such sacrifice, we are all collectively responsible for letting this cult thrive.