Secret bibel code?

by happy man 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
  • AlanF

    Michael Drosnin's book on "Bible Codes" is as whacked out as the JW "Revelation Climax" book.


  • anti-absolutism

    Haven't your Alpha-bits done the same thing, yet? If not you're just not TRYING hard enough....... lol

  • Matty
    Get "Bible Code II: The Countdown" free with a subscription to NewsMax Magazine!

    Ooh! Ooh! Where do I sign up!?

    Hey, wait a minute though - What if I pay $49.95 for a whole years worth of magazines and I then find out that the end of the world is coming before the subscription expires? I'm not so sure now, I don't want to get ripped off or anything.

  • outoftheorg

    I read the original book "the bible code". It was an interessting read.

    There was nothing there to substantiate their claims or document them. Just the word of the author and a few pages he copied and supplied as verification. Which could all be false. Or real. Or not copies of real documents. Who knows?

    The book ended up saying that there are several possible ways for an event to go. Depending on the reactions of the participants. Isn't that something we all know already? If it is not too expensive I guess it would be good entertainment.

    IF IT IS TRUE it is scarry as hell. IF IT IS TRUE.



  • Ed

    As Jay Leno said: "Here's an idea...before we go looking for secret hidden messages in the Bible, how about we try living by the rules that are clearly spelled out?"

  • Mary

    Unfortunately, it's one of those things that you can read just about anything in to (after the supposed event has happened). They tried the same method with the book "Moby Dick" and the results were the same as the "Bible Code."

  • Inquiry

    I saw Drosnin's Oprah interview a few years ago and as a qualifier, the Israeli mathematician refused to support his book. The mathematician said it was more complex than what was written in the book and he would not support any "predictions or methods of prediction" claims made in the book.

    I think Drosnin jumped the gun and printed what he thought of what was shown to him.. but I think there is more to it. It's an interesting idea, and it's compelling, but I don't think the mathematician intended to have his work published or exploited that way.

    Just my two


  • Brummie

    I saw the author of this on TV then someone sent me the book as a gift...its still in the wrapper even to this day. any bids? I wouldnt even waste time taking the wrapper off! Crazy.


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