HBO, did an excellent documentary on Former Slave Narratives that were archived 70 years ago and just have become more accessable. This is what taught history skirts around and should not. To forget ones past is a dangerous thing.
If you get a chance, view it.
IT hit home for me due to what we are trying to save. A part of Elmwood Cemetery now, was known as Pinewood Cemetery. Former Slaves were buried there and were segregated by a fence. In 1969 that fence came down and Elmwood and Pinewood were no longer seperated. But there are still issues that seperate the City. An now Elmwood and Pinewood Cemeteries are in danger of being lost.
There is a planned track expansion that will exhume 200 graves in both areas of the Cemetery. This is so the City can bring in a light rail train system. We feel the history should be remembered and taught. Many do not know of their own history and are willing to throw it away so development can come in.
Anyway pretty soon if things continue.. what we have of the past shall fade away. Then will we remember the lesson's of our past or will we be doomed to repeat them ?
Food for thought.
Happy Black History Month to all.. hopefully we can share in all history from all spectrums and races to learn from one another. Knowledge is the only way to put aside differences that divide so many.