Question 1 comes and the speaker asks for their response..they all yell NO!
What would happen then?
by bradford 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Question 1 comes and the speaker asks for their response..they all yell NO!
What would happen then?
neat blue dog: ... All candidates are removed from being publishers within the week, and the story gets embellished and turned in to a JW urban legend.
There will be a story told at the conventions about the one and only faithful and true dear sister who stepped forth and said "Yes!!!" That one trembling poor child who had the courage to brave all those evil ones and stand out from the crowd and pledge allegiance to
What an inspiring story it will be. :p
Bradford, are you actually planning to invite a few friends to a baptism and try to pass yourselves off as baptismal candidates?
Not a chance where I live now, maybe if I ever leave the northeast US. How long would it take? 6 months?