The reason I am exposing this board with the information that I have provided, is that some have already and will experience situations in their lives as to what I have been talking about. They will start posting, and already, I see people beginning to hop on their ass (E-mail and Business Shipments and Civic Projects). Now, when this starts happening...and it comes to those people being cruel to such posters...I will unleash a holy hell of "I told you so, go cry somewhere else" when it finally comes round to such airheads and nitwits (or their families) who harass such posters.
There are going to be some suprising situations that are going to be posted by Joe & Jane Q. of this board, and they will need your support. Because when it comes to affect you, directly or indirectly, and you were one of those who scoffed and were won't get any support from my end. When you need to know the organizations and people that are working hard to keep those from harrassing you or your family, or need some vital information...You get to go find it yourself.
This is a very arrogant post, and I recognize it. But don't burn a bridge, that can help you in the future. I'm not going to "lead", but I will aid and assist.
People on this and other boards are going to experience some very "new" problems. They will wonder what is going on, and you will need to help each other.
I've given up my flaming and non-sense posts if you've noticed of late. I'm not for any dismantling for any government or such. I do recognize that there is going to be some hard times hitting the U.S. and other places in the world, and this may prove to be a sanctuary for those who wish to express their upcoming hardships. When they do, use caution before jumping on them, because when it finally rolls around to you....don't bitch and moan when people turn a deaf ear to your plight.