So... what is an acceptable reason to join a religion or live by a certain philosophy? Does it essentialy come down to "if it makes you generaly 'feel good', its ok"? By 'feel good' I mean satisfy current needs, physical, cognitive, whatever.
If I understand correctly, it is impossible to currently have 'ultimate truth'. Even crazy religions grudgingly admit that only God has all 'ultimate truth'. Furthermore, all 'science' is essentially based on that principle- some theories seen as more acceptable and some as less- the dominant scientific community 'feeling good' about a certain theory. Never is a theory seen as 'ultimate truth'.
In conclusion, can we all feel free in good concience to live as we wish and believe as we wish? Sincethere is no 'ultimate truth' that we can nail down, we should just pick whatever makes us 'feel good'? comments please!