Hi everyone!

by DJ 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ

    Wow........ Lots of new folks!!!!! I've been rather insanely busy lately and haven't been near my computer for some time. I just want to check in and give a warm hello to all of my friends here. How's Golden girls hubby? How's lyin eyes doing? Hi to Neon!!! I could go on and on with names but I guess I'll stop and say Hi to all of you.

    I've been busy with my kids, I enrolled them in school so that I could continue caring for my dad. (brain tumor, remember?) Dealing with my jw family during this time has been quite the task.... to say the least.

    HI SIMON!!

    Love, Dj

  • outnfree

    Dear DJ,

    Hi! Happy to see you "back"! I am glad you are not trying to do the impossible and that you have cut yourself some slack by sending your kids out to school. They will be okay.

    Sadly, GoldenGirl's hubby died last week. There is a thread and she is taking some time away from here, I believe.

    I am glad that you still have some time to spend with your dad. I remember how eloquently you described your strong love for him and I know it's important to you to take care of him.

    God bless your efforts.



  • Angharad

    Welcome back DJ -good to see you again

  • wednesday

    Welcome back DJ, missed u.


  • imanaliento

    You may not believe this but there have been times where I wondered where you went.

    nice to hear you're ok.

  • DJ

    outnfree...........thanks for the encouragement. My kids love their school, which is a major plus. I will look for Golden girls thread, thanks for updating me. I will keep her in thought and prayer. My mom has withdrawn treatment from my dad.......but I will take him to a pet scan next week and we'll see...

    Angharad.........Hi! Thanks for the welcome. I am not seeing the usual names here. Looks like a new forum. Hmmm, that just may be a good thing. I hope you are doing well my dear, how's hubby?

    Wednesday.......I hope you are still moving forward. If I did it, you can too, eh? Happy to see you here.

    Imanaliento.......my favorite Italian alien! Jackie, right? I know what you mean.......we have some sort of a connection. Maybe we will understand it one day.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond guys! Love to you, Dj

  • lauralisa

    Hi DJ

    I remember you well and fondly. Have you moved recently, or did your kids change schools locally?

    Wow. I'm so sorry about your father's illness. My mother died of a brain tumor several years ago ... are you caring for him at home? You'll be in my thoughts.

    btw, It's as electric here as ever !

    Take care, lauralisa

    Edited by - lauralisa on 12 February 2003 15:50:5

  • imanaliento

    hi again DJ; yes you got my name right but not Italian, only bohemian:

    how has everything been going with your siblings and your mom? that has to be so hard having to deal with your dads illness and having them act the way they do. remember God sees your heart and how caring you have been through all of this. (((((((((( DJ ))))))))))


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