The Infallible AGE Argument (Toons)

by D8TA 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Just remember, if you are have experienced and know everything....

  • Xander

    oooh, this is gonna get locked real quick....

    (EDIT: for those who don't get the 'joke', take a look at the last few pages of this thread, which I'm also amazed hasn't been locked)

    Edited by - Xander on 12 February 2003 14:10:23

  • SheilaM

    D8TA <now play nice

  • email

    Very Childish... IMHO

  • D8TA
    Very Childish... IMHO

    Ya know what?

    Farkel and I exist on a same spectrum. We are both hardnosed and passionate bastards. We can have different political viewpoints, and still share a measure of respect for each other, knowing we share something in common. We don't "hate" each other.

    D.C. is about one of the best guys you'd like to talk to, and is one of this boards finest...if not the entire EX-JW community' and friend.

    He knows, that he is always welcomed at my fireside here in Brazil, in which all boundaries dissolve away and we can enjoy a few beers and the beach. Not to mention, that we LEARN from one another and share the same desire of opposition to the WTBTS.

    Unlike a few here, who are "rookies", and don't have the first clue as to our "real life" personalities, and judge those accordingly with false assumptions.

    I like it when he calls me "knucklehead", he keeps the boundaries of common sense here on my end.

    He also knows, that I am a person of INTEGRITY and HONOR. That I wouldn't go behind his back to talk about him.

    I'm a straight forward s.o.b. You get to see what I think and feel about situations, I don't beat around the bush, this way you know where I ALWAYS stand. It's called HONESTY.

    Something to think about:

    Don't go sticking your nose in somebody's business when you don't know a damn thing about them.

    My RESPECT and fun-and-play to ya D.C., thanks for being on this board.

  • Farkel

    I thought it was pretty funny myself!


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