Why The Arab Nations Will Abandon Saddam

by expatbrit 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Saddam's summer friends Feb 6th 2003 | CAIRO
    From The Economist print edition

    Though the Arab people are still deeply hostile to American policy towards Iraq, their governments are telling them to shut up, and count their winnings


    IF THERE is anything in the Middle East mounting faster than the threat of war, it is property prices in Kuwait. More specifically, the price of real estate near the dusty border-crossing into Iraq, where values have doubled and trebled in the past year. Since October alone, Kuwait's stock index has shot up nearly 30%, as businessmen sniff a windfall of opportunities after the smoke has cleared from next door.

    With less relish and more resignation, others in the region are also positioning themselves to profit, or at least limit the damage, from an American war on Iraq that is increasingly seen as inevitable. Ghassan Charbel, a columnist in the London-based Arabic daily Al Hayat, sardonically likens this shift, away from talk of how to stop the war to talk about how to gain advantage from it, to guests scrambling for seats at a banquet.

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the leader of Turkey's ruling party, has just reserved himself a place, insinuates Mr Charbel, by urging Turkey's parliament to allow American forces into the country. Mr Erdogan's plea marked a dramatic about-face. Dropping his previous opposition to war just before a crucial vote on the troops issue, he cast the blame on Iraqi obstinacy, and gave warning that Turkey's interests would be jeopardised if it did not take part in deciding Iraq's future. Our moral priority is peace, he said, But our political priority is our dear Turkey.

    From The Economist
    Colin Powell's evidence against Iraq Feb 6th 2003 Iran, the EU and America Feb 6th 2003
    Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey Iraq Websites
    Al Hayat

    Despite their people's continued and overwhelming hostility to American policy, Arab leaders have taken similar steps to escape injury, and bolster their strained ties with the United States. Recent statements by Egypt's Hosni Mubarak manage to wash his hands of Iraq's fate. It is a point of view echoed by editorials in the same state-controlled Egyptian papers that were recently blasting American belligerence. It is up to the Iraqi leadership, says Mr Mubarak, to protect its people by bowing to international demands. He goes on to assert that his own government has done its best to convince Baghdad of this.

    Egypt's president has courted American favour even more boldly by inviting Israel's newly returned prime minister, Ariel Sharon, to come on a visit. The move, unprecedented given Mr Sharon's infamy among Arabs, shocked the Egyptian people. But it may silence the powerful supporters of Israel in Washington who have long sniped at Egypt's coldness towards Israel's hardline government.

    Saudi Arabia, shaken by American charges that it nurtures Islamic radicalism, and deeply fearful of increased American punchiness after its presumed victory in Iraq, has taken to proclaiming the need for political reforms both at home and in the region, and has just, for the first time ever, played host to a delegation of human-rights activists. It is also understood to have guaranteed energy supplies to Jordan, should hostilities start, to replace the 90,000 barrels a day of cut-price oil traditionally supplied by Iraq.

    For its part, Jordan's government has skilfully adopted the slogan Jordan First to explain its pro-American tilt in the face of strong public resentment. It recently stopped denying that it plans to let American forces use its facilities. American troops are setting up Patriot air-defence batteries, and American special forces have been granted the right to conduct search-and-rescue operations into Iraq from Jordanian territory. And having previously said it would close its borders to Iraqi refugees, Jordan is now preparing camps to receive them.

    Egypt has no worries on that score, but has taken steps to blunt the economic impact of war. A plunge in the country's income from tourism, Suez Canal tolls and exports to Iraq is expected to cost it between $6 billion and $8 billion, or nearly 10% of GDP , according to a recent study. Having quietly secured pledges of financial support from the wealthier Arab states, Egypt abruptly floated its currency last week. Not only did this forestall the possibility of a sudden wartime plunge, it fulfilled a long-standing demand by America, which has seen its $2 billion in annual aid eroded by the stalling of Egypt's creaky command economy. A delegation including Mr Mubarak's son, Gamal, sped to Washington to capitalise on the move.

    Syria is the only one of Iraq's neighbouring governments to hold out, publicly at least, in defence of Saddam Hussein's right to a fair trial. But this, say ever more cynical analysts, is largely because the country makes a tidy $2m a day or so from smuggling Iraqi oil. Might as well keep it flowing until the last minute. And then, perhaps, like all the other fair-weather friends, Syria will wash its hands.

  • czarofmischief

    Told ya.


  • ThiChi

    A repost:

    Desert Storm was about restoring the status quo ante. The 2003

    war with Iraq will be about redefining the status quo in the

    region. Geopolitically, it will leave countries like Syria and

    Saudi Arabia completely surrounded by U.S. military forces and

    Iran partially surrounded. It is therefore no surprise that the

    regional powers, regardless of their hostility to Saddam Hussein,

    oppose the war: They do not want to live in a post-war world in

    which their own power is diluted. Nor is it a surprise, after

    last week's events in Europe indicating that war is coming, that

    the regional powers -- and particularly Saudi Arabia -- are now

    redefining their private and public positions to the war. If the

    United States cannot be stopped from redefining the region, an

    accommodation will have to be reached.

    Last week, the focus was on Europe -- where heavy U.S. pressure,

    coupled with the internal dynamics, generated a deep division.

    >From the U.S. point of view, regardless of what France and

    Germany ultimately say about the war, these two countries no

    longer can claim to speak for Europe. Ultimately, for the

    Americans, that is sufficient.

    This week, U.S. attention must shift to a much more difficult

    target -- the Islamic world. More precisely, it must shift to the

    countries bordering Iraq and others in the region as well. In

    many ways, this is a far more important issue than Europe. The

    Europeans, via multinational organizations, can provide

    diplomatic sanction for the invasion of Iraq. The countries

    around Iraq constitute an essential part of the theater of

    operations, potentially influencing the course of the war and

    even more certainly, the course of history after the war. What

    they have to say and, more important, what they will do, is of

    direct significance to the war.

    As it stands at this moment, the U.S. position in the region, at

    the most obvious level, is tenuous at best. Six nations border

    Iraq: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and Iran. Of

    the six, only one -- Kuwait -- is unambiguously allied with the

    United States. The rest continue to behave ambiguously. All have

    flirted with the United States and provided varying degrees of

    overt and covert cooperation, but they have not made peace with

    the idea of invasion and U.S. occupation.

    Of the remaining five, Turkey is by far the most cooperative. It

    will permit U.S. forces to continue to fly combat missions

    against Iraq from bases in Turkey as well as allow them to pass

    through Turkey and maintain some bases there. However, there is a

    split between the relatively new Islamist government of Turkey,

    which continues to be uneasy about the war, and the secular

    Turkish military, which is committed to extensive cooperation.

    And apart from Kuwait, Turkey is the best case. Each of the other

    countries is even more conflicted and negative toward an


    Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Iran are very different countries

    and have different reasons for arriving at their positions. They

    each have had very different experiences with Saddam Hussein's


    Iran fought a brutal war with Iraq during the 1980s -- a war

    initiated by the Iraqis and ruinous to Iran. Hussein is despised

    by Iranians, who continue to support anti-Hussein exiles. Tehran

    certainly is tempted by the idea of a defeated Iraq. It also is

    tempted by the idea of a dismembered Iraq that never again could

    threaten Iran, and where Iran could gain dominance over its

    Shiite regions. Tehran certainly has flirted with Washington and

    particularly with London on various levels of cooperation, and

    clearly has provided some covert intelligence cooperation to the

    United States and Britain. In the end, though -- however

    attractive the collapse of Iraq might be -- internal politics and

    strategic calculations have caused Iranian leaders to refuse to

    sanction the war or to fully participate. Iran might be prepared

    to pick up some of the spoils, but only after the war is fought.

    Syria stands in a similar relation to Iraq. The Assad family

    despises the Husseins, ideologically, politically and personally.

    Syria sided openly with the United States in 1991. Hussein's

    demise would cause no grief in Damascus. Yet, in spite of a

    flirtation with Britain in particular -- including a visit with

    both Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles for Syrian President

    Assad -- Syria has not opted in for the war.

    Nor have the Jordanians -- at least not publicly. There are

    constant reports of U.S. (and Israeli) special operations troops

    operating out of Jordan. U.S. Marines have trained during the

    past month in Jordan, but the government remains officially

    opposed to the war -- and what support it will give, it will give

    only covertly.

    Finally, there is Saudi Arabia, which has been one of the pillars

    of U.S. power in the region since the 1950s and which has, in

    turn, depended on Washington for survival against both Arab

    radicals and Iraq itself. The Saudis have been playing the most

    complex game of all, cooperating on some levels openly,

    cooperating on other levels covertly, while opposing the war


    For all of the diversity in the region, there is a common

    geopolitical theme. If the U.S. invasion is successful,

    Washington intends to occupy Iraq militarily, and it officially

    expects to remain there for at least 18 months -- or to be more

    honest, indefinitely. The United States will build air bases and

    deploy substantial ground forces -- and, rather than permit the

    disintegration of Iraq, will create a puppet government

    underwritten by U.S. power.

    On the day the war ends, and if the United States is victorious,

    then the entire geopolitics of the region will be redefined.

    Every country bordering Iraq will find not the weakest formations

    of the Iraqi army along their frontiers, but U.S. and British

    troops. The United States will be able to reach into any country

    in the region with covert forces based in Iraq, and Washington

    could threaten overt interventions as well. It would need no

    permission from regional hosts for the use of facilities, so long

    as either Turkey or Kuwait will permit transshipment into Iraq.

    In short, a U.S. victory will change the entire balance of power

    in the region, from a situation in which the United States must

    negotiate its way to war, to a situation where the United States

    is free to act as it will.

    Consider the condition of Syria. It might not have good relations

    with Hussein's Iraq, but a U.S.-occupied Iraq would be Syria's

    worst nightmare. It would be surrounded on all sides by real or

    potential enemies -- Israel, Turkey, Jordan and the United States

    - and, in the Mediterranean, by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. Syria --

    which traditionally has played a subtle, complex balancing game

    between various powers -- would find itself in a vise, no longer

    able to guarantee its national security except through

    accommodating the United States.

    A similar situation is shaping up for Saudi Arabia. The United

    States is operating extensively in Yemen; it also has air force

    facilities in Qatar and naval facilities in Bahrain. U.S. B-1

    bombers and some personnel are going to be based in Oman. The

    United States has established itself along the littoral of the

    Arabian peninsula. With U.S. forces deployed along the Saudi-

    Iraqi border, and with U.S. domination of the Red Sea and Persian

    Gulf, the Saudis will be in essence surrounded.

    The same basic problem exists for Iran, although on a less

    threatening scale. Iran is larger, more populated and more

    difficult to intimidate. Nevertheless, with at least some U.S.

    forces in Afghanistan -- and the option for introducing more

    always open -- and U.S. forces in Iraq and the Persian Gulf, the

    Iranians too find themselves surrounded, albeit far less

    overwhelmingly than would be the case for Syria or Saudi Arabia.

    The only probable winners would be Turkey, which would lay claim

    to the oil fields around Mosul and Kirkuk; Jordan, whose security

    would be enhanced by U.S. forces to the east; and Kuwait, which

    is betting heavily on a quick U.S. victory and a prolonged

    presence in the region.

    If we consider the post-Iraq war world, it is no surprise that

    the regional response ranges from publicly opposed and privately

    not displeased to absolute opposition. Certainly, Syria, Saudi

    Arabia and Iran have nothing to gain from a war that will be

    shaped entirely by the United States. Each understands that the

    pressure from the United States to cooperate in the war against

    al Qaeda will be overwhelming, potentially irresistible and

    politically destabilizing. This is not the world in which they

    want to live.

    Add to this the obvious fact of oil, and the dilemma becomes

    clear. The United States is not invading Iraq for oil: If oil was

    on Washington's mind, it would invade Venezuela, whose crisis has

    posed a more serious oil problem for the United States than Iraq

    could. Nevertheless, Washington expects to pay for the

    reconstruction of Iraq from oil revenues, and there will be no

    reason to limit Iraqi production. This cannot make either Riyadh

    or Tehran happy, since it will drive prices down and increase

    competition for market share.

    Saudi Arabia, Iran and Syria have every reason to oppose a war in

    Iraq. The consequences of such a war will undermine their

    national interests. They were depending on Europe's ability to

    block the war, but that strategy has failed. The Saudis and

    Syrians then launched into an attempt to find a political

    solution that would prevent a U.S. occupation of Iraq. That

    centered around either Hussein's voluntary resignation and exile,

    or a coup in Baghdad that would produce a new government -- one

    that would cooperate fully with weapons inspectors, and remove

    the U.S. justification for occupation.

    This attempt, in collaboration with other regional powers and

    countries like Germany and Russia, is still under way. The

    problem is that Hussein has little motivation to resign, and his

    security forces remain effective. Hussein apparently still is not

    convinced that the United States will invade, or that he will be

    defeated. His seems to assume that, if his troops can inflict

    some casualties on U.S. forces, then the United States will

    accept a cease-fire without toppling him. He will not abdicate,

    nor will his followers overthrow him, until those two assumptions

    are falsified. What that means is that the United States still

    would occupy Iraq militarily, even if there was a coup or

    resignation as the campaign unfolded.

    If you can't beat them, join them. The European split -- and the

    real possibility that France and Germany ultimately will endorse

    war in some way -- mean that war cannot be prevented. Hussein

    will not abdicate or be overthrown until the war is well under

    way. Therefore, it is highly likely that the war will take place,

    the United States will occupy Iraq and that the map of the Middle

    East will change profoundly.

    Continued opposition to the war, particularly from Riyadh's

    standpoint, makes little sense. The issue until now has been to

    cope with the internal political challenges that have arisen in

    the kingdom since Sept. 11, 2001. After the Iraq war, this issue

    will be supplemented by the question of how the United States

    regards the kingdom. It is not prudent for a nation surrounded by

    a much more powerful nation to allow itself to be regarded as an

    enemy. Therefore, we are witnessing a shift in the Saudi position

    that might evolve to reluctant, public support for the war by the

    time an attack is launched.

    Iranian leaders do not feel themselves to be quite in such

    desperate straits -- since they are not. However, the presence of

    U.S. power on Iran's borders will create an urgent need to settle

    the internal disputes that divide the country. The need to do so,

    however, does not guarantee a successful outcome. The division

    between those who feel that an opening to the United States is

    essential and those who feel that protecting Iran against the

    United States is paramount might become exacerbated and

    destabilize the country. However, there is no immediate, overt

    threat to Iran, although the possibilities for covert operations

    increase dramatically.

    Jordan will do well, but Syria's future is cloudier. Washington

    has concerns about Syria's long-term commitment to U.S.

    interests, and Damascus might find itself squeezed unbearably.

    Turkey will fatten on oil and manage the Kurds as it has done in

    the past. But nothing will be the same after this war. Unlike

    Desert Storm, which was about restoring the status quo ante, this

    war is about establishing an entirely new reality.

    The United States is, of course, well-aware that its increased

    presence in the region will result in greater hostility and

    increased paramilitary activity against U.S. forces there.

    However, the U.S. view is that this rising cost is acceptable so

    long as Washington is able to redefine the behavior of countries

    neighboring Iraq. In the long run, the Bush administration

    believes, geopolitical power will improve U.S. security interests

    in spite of growing threats. To be more precise, the United

    States sees Islamic hostility at a certain level as a given, and

    does not regard an increase in that hostility as materially

    affecting its interests.

    The conquest of Iraq will not be a minor event in history: It

    will represent the introduction of a new imperial power to the

    Middle East and a redefinition of regional geopolitics based on

    that power. The United States will move from being an outside

    power influencing events through coalitions, to a regional power

    that is able to operate effectively on its own. Most significant,

    countries like Saudi Arabia and Syria will be living in a new and

    quite unpleasant world.

    Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why the regional

    powers are behaving as they are. The disintegration of the

    European bloc has, however, left them in an untenable position.

    The United States will occupy Iraq, and each regional power is

    now facing that reality. Unable to block the process, they are

    reluctantly and unhappily finding ways to accustom themselves to


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