One day, the biblical God decided all humanity, less 8 individuals and some animals, should die via mass drowning, including infants, children and physically and mentally disabled people.
He expected rational people to listen to a seemingly oddball old man and enter a giant box filled with wild animals. "God told me to warn you. Enter this thing and you will live". Who of us today would enter a giant boat that a strange man says will save our lives?
After drowning everyone and everything, God creates a rainbow and says to Noah. "I promise I will never globally drown people again. I swear. Oh, wait. Let me clarify: I will permit floods globally, just not all at the same time. Anyway, check out this rainbow I just made. Pretty cool, right? Just remember, if you live in an area that gets hit with a devastating flood and you have to climb on your rooftops and wait to be rescued while other people are drowning, I will show you my rainbow to remind you that I am so loving".
"God, thank you for promising that you will never destroy humans again", said Noah
"Wait...What? I never said that! I promised I will never cause one big global flood. I'm still going to destroy humans again in the future, just not with water. Next time, I will use...let's see, hmm...Ah! Fire and rocks! I will burn everyone to a crisp or smash them into pieces!", said God.
"What is your problem, God?", Noah asked.
"I dunno. I'm so confused. I always feel regret after killing people. But's it's their own fault! People need to be taught a lesson. Even after I obliterate most humans in the future, I will destroy some more a thousand years after that. But, anyway, check out this shiny new rainbow".
This is one of the many reasons why I could never align myself to God. Even if He did exist, I would have nothing in common with Him.
Have a great day, everybody!