Article today, "I pretended it didn't happen": Nuns report abuse by Priests. By Nicole Winfield and Rodney Muttumuza__Associated Press. I always heard stories about the Nuns but holy crap, it's bad.Nuns were considered "safe" sexual partners for Priests (Africa and Aids) who feared they might be infected with HIV if they went to prostitutes. So in one congregation 29 nuns who had been impregnated over a period of six years by Priests.
Nuns report abuse by Priests. Holy moly.
by James Mixon 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Now it is becoming like a wildfire:
Cardinal engaging in sexual abuse with minors for decades (
Bishop raping the nun in multiple occasions (
Five priests enjoyed sex with a woman misusing the information received from the holy institution of confession. (
They do all these things because they obviously believe deep in their heart that there is no God. This shows man-made scriptures cannot ensure morality even on the religious leaders, yet we find many lay men leading a moral life wth no difficulty.
Even bird Robin can navigate straight without the help of any modern equipment.
Forgive me.LOL