Trending on Yahoo news this morning (3-18-18) Detroit Free Press story on shunning
Trending on Yahoo news article about shunning
by carla 5 Replies latest jw friends
Fred Franztone
Yahoo still exists?
Such dreadfully sad stories of the results of shunning. I'm glad the word is finally getting out.
Yeah, that's a tough article to read. I saw it earlier and jumped into the comments for it and took a stand against misinformation by the JW sympathizers.
The news media is catching on to this. They are now putting a string of these suicides together in one article.
The internet is making JW's bleed and show who they really are. Gone are the days of the 70's & 80's when nothing was spread, but now, oh boy.
Trending again today! 2 days in a row. Wow jw's it the big time!
just saying!