I hope not. Thankfully, C19 appears to be waning as the summer comes in.
2017/18 'flu deaths: England & Wales = 50,100, Scotland - 23,137, & N.I. - 1500. TOTAL = 74,637
"There were over 50,000 excess winter deaths in England and Wales (not counting Scotland & N.I.) last winter, (2017/18) the highest recorded since 1975/76, according to data released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS). The increase is thought to be a result of the prevalence of flu last year, alongside ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine and colder than usual temperatures in the 2017/18 winter period......Nick Stripe, health analysis and life events statistician at the ONS, said: 'Peaks like these are not unusual - we have seen more than eight peaks during the last 40 years.'" http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/commissioning/flu-and-cold-weather-contributed-towards-50000-excess-winter-deaths-last-year/20037896.article