Here are 2 reviews about the recent Watchtower study article "Is Your Name in “the Book of Life?':
Is Your Name in “the Book of Life?"
by BruceX 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
I shouldn't think so. It's doesn't exist.
Ditto punk ,
edit to say other cults also agree.
raymond frantz
Jws think your name is penciled in the book of life, the truth your name is there from the time of your inception, only you and your actions can cause God to blot your name out
I have a very common name. My name is no doubt in the Book of Life, probably more than once. Is it supposed to be a literal book?
Mum .I never thought of that ? maybe my name IS in the Book of Life that is if it really exists?
Could there be an alternative book ? I hope not.
Supposing you get mixed up with someone who isn't in the book because you have the same name?
As we know, God does make mistakes. It says so in the Bible, too.
It must be nice for the rank and file member to think of Jehovah with his eraser poised, just waiting for an excuse to 'rub them out' ... -
The WTS even teaches the anointed while holy spirit "bears witness" to them are chosen, they are not permanently written in the book of life until they die "faithful." In WT September 2022 page 19-20, the WTS said this: "Does this mean that all those who have their name written in this book are guaranteed everlasting life? We find the answer to that question in Jehovah’s words to Moses, quoted at Exodus 32:33. Jehovah said: “Whoever has sinned against me, I will wipe him out of my book.” Thus, names that are presently in that book can be wiped out, or erased, as if Jehovah had initially written the names in pencil. (Rev. 3:5, ftn.) We must make sure that our name remains in that book until it is written permanently in ink, as it were."