they came to my door last week. I saw the Watchtowers, so to save this poor ol' 'brother's" voice, I opted to tell them that I had ds'd myself 4years ago. Usually this will ward them off as if I had the plague. But, noooooooooooo.................the other man started asking me questions!!!! Why did you leave? You know what God's name is! We have a CD rom you need to listen to, it's telling how apostates are misleading you! Blah! Blah! Blah! I couldn't believe it!!!! I wasn't ready for this and I was very sick with the flu. So, I just stood there, sore throat, nose stopped up and everything. I wish I had felt better, I might have been rude. But, I said nothing and wished them a nice day. Anybody had experiences like this before. Where THEY won't leave?!!?!?? And can you give me some advice as to what to say? maybe I shouldn't have told them I ds'd myself and just said that I was interested?
Happy2b OUT!!!!!