I set the limits low while I put the new s.w. on but it seems to be going ok (phew) so I've raised the limits.
It tells you exactly how many you have when you try to post a new topic or a reply.
by Simon 8 Replies latest forum announcements
I set the limits low while I put the new s.w. on but it seems to be going ok (phew) so I've raised the limits.
It tells you exactly how many you have when you try to post a new topic or a reply.
I like it- I like it- Good job simon. I especially like the link at the bottom of the screen to change the style.
Can you tell us how many hours you have invested in this new program??
Hours? "a lot" (probably too many) ... I've been working on it on and off for well over a year but it's also been a useful learning exercise (for .Net.) and I hope to turn it into a proper app when it's finished. If it works out scaleability wise then it should be a winner as it is radically different (inder the hood) to most of the other forum software I've looked at..
There are some other styles / options that are nearly finished so these whould appear sometimes too.
Well good for you Simon!! I hope you can market it and make a bundle. Would this program fit in to use by a business also? Or just for forum use?
I like the format, looks good.
Nice, very nice. Doesn't like my Mac browser though.
Cool, I love knowing how many post I have left. Even better, is that it lets you know when your post will increase again.
Sorry about that ... the Mac is the one browser I don't have access to for testing. Anyone know if there is an emulator available? (I remember being able to get these for the Atari ST )
The forum is suitable for any business wanting to do collaborative work. The problem many companies face is that knowledge is locked into private emails and such so when someone new starts they don't have the background on projects and knowledge isn't shared. Forums are great for brainstorming type things and also for building community / team spirit.
I've used the forum software where I work and it's been pretty useful ... definitely filled a gap and compared well with other commercial offerings.
No worries, Simon. My iBook also came with IE for Mac. I could view this wonderful site but not post. (I was using Safari as my default browser; which is actually still in "Beta" mode. I'm sure Apple will fix this by final release. I've seen a couple of issues with Safari and Java stuff.) This is a nice new look.