In answering the question about why do JWs continue to believe whatever the Society prints and postulates we must start with an inward look at ourselves. Every person had his or her own reason to become a JW. In fact, when we were JWs the first question we used to ask of those we recently meet, say in the Hall or at assemblies, was how did they become a JW? Or, what is it that drew them to the "Truth"?
The Three Hs
by Defender 7 Replies latest jw friends
My answer was simple. My parents were witnesses.
In the back of my mind, I also added "I had no choice! Like I would chose this life.... on purpose!"
Ah yes, the three H's. I remember that WT article. People who are drawn to the truth must first be (1)honest (2) humble and (3) hungry for the truth.
Am I right? Do I win a prize?
People who are drawn to the truth must first be (1)honest (2) humble and (3) hungry for the truth.
What irony... the reason I left the organization and am now shunned by my family is because I did these three things.
- I was hungry for truth, and in searching for it found that the teachings of the WTS was a load of crap
- I was humble enough to consider the idea that everything I was raised to believe was wrong
- I was honest and told my family and elders that I did not believe that what the WTS teaches is truth.
Elsewhere, of course that is what happens when you actually practice that principle, but for a lot of JWs knowing that is about as good as having it written on a piece of paper and putting it in your pocket, never to be considered. This is why I don't think a lot of info is needed for someone to see the truth about the WTS, it's just a matter of being open. You know, I wonder if that even originated from the JWs, it may be they got the idea and thought it would be nice to throw it into a talk outline...
Personally I was raised a jw, so I didn't think about it until I got older. But I always hated being different. But my mother chose to be a jw, and I think it is because they gave her all the answers. She didn't have to think for herself, or may any more hard decisions. If she doesn't want to do something, or wants to get out of something she just says her beliefs will not let her. And sadly her life is awful, and she as spent 30 some odd years waiting for the "end" so her life will get better. By waiting she does not have to do any hard work, like learning to be a better person. She can coast through life. It is her escape.
The real three H's
Hate - They hate everyone and everything that is not part of the "friends" or the "truth"
Haughty- You will never hear a witness say nice things about the "wordly folks", they think they are hot shieet, they are always right, and everyone is out to get them.
Hypocrites- They say dont put money first, yet the Kingdom Halls are filled with the Nice cars, and they say "You dont get baptized to an organization, you get baptized to serve Jehovah" yet at the end of their baptismal talk they take the father, son, and holy spirit off, and instead insert a you belong to the organization crap..
[quote]People who are drawn to the truth must first be (1)honest (2) humble and (3) hungry for the truth. [/quote]
I guess after people are already in the truth, they no longer have them because:
(1) Honest? They are not honest to non-JWs: Why they just don't admit to us, non-JWs, that they are covering up child abuses? or letting sexual molesters out in field service? or Straight up say to us in their field service:"If you don't join, you'll die at Armageddon." and save all their speech of a better place?
(2) They are not humble as they think that they are better than everyone else who's not a JW.
(3) Hungry for the Truth? The only truth(s) that they are hungry for is power (getting an important position within their borganization) and money (see power).
Rihannsu said it right what their three H's truly stand for.