What did you think god looked like when you were ( or still are ) a JW ? or even never a jw..but believe in god ?
how do you perceive jehovah?
by stan livedeath 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
a watcher
I perceive Him as a brilliant, blinding light like the one Paul saw at his conversion.
I think Dr Manhattan is about the best representation of god that i have seen. The Watchers does a great job in helping portray the all-knowing, all-seeing possibility along with the idea that god ISNT watching everything you do. -
When I was a JW child, I always thought Jehovah was mean, but Jesus was nice. I thought Jehovah was mean because he didn’t let kids (JW) have holidays. When I found that scripture in Romans, which says it’s ok to celebrate, and “each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” When I brought that up, I was quickly hushed up.
Couldn't picture him...I just thought "spirit", so air...I don't see air.
Never visualized him as listening to my prayers. The artwork and descriptions in the Bible are of an old guy with a beard of course. I think in some odd way the name had been elevated to such importance that I pictured the name when praying.
Some may find it peculiar I generally use Yahweh went discussing the OT now. Not only is it more accurate but it's not a trigger word. When leaving a high control group it's healthier to avoid the language and lingo of that group for a while maybe forever.
This monster is nothing more than a tyrant. You do the work, that abomination takes all the credit while putting every single obstacle in your way. Then it expects you to give up everything to serve its fat self? And all the promised blessings? Where are they? All I see is those scripted examples placed in that stupid book of lies just so that thing doesn't have to actually do anything for me--and I am supposed to go into Africa and waste my life in missionary work for that?