The Three Hs...(Another Try)

by Defender 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Defender

    I do not know why my previous post was truncated. Here goes another try...

    In answering the question about why do JWs continue to believe whatever the Society prints and postulates we must start with an inward look at ourselves. Every person had his or her own reason to become a JW. In fact, when we were JWs the first question we used to ask of those we recently meet, say in the Hall or at assemblies, was how did they become a JW? Or, what is it that drew them to the "Truth"?

    Those that were not born in JW families had several answers. I have heard people say that they became JWs because their teachings had the "ring of truth". Some said that they became JWs because the other churches were bad. Or, since there is one God, then there must be only one true religion and JWs is it. Others became JWs because their lives were in shambles (drugs, alcoholism, violence, sex, marital or family problems etc.) and JWism "The Truth" was a way out. In short, there is no one short answer as to why people become JWs.

    While that may be true, however, there are underlining qualities that apply to almost all that eventually become JWs. As a matter of fact, the Society itself teaches its adherents to look for those qualities when trying to convert others. I am sure some of you will remember the "Three Hs" that make a person prime prospect; Humility, Hunger for Spiritual things, and Honesty. If you think about this and try to examine your own personal reasons as to why you became a JW, you will notice, at least at that time, that you did possess these underlining qualities when you came in contact with JWs. JWism offered us a guise of humility, a lot of so called "deep spiritual material", and some outward honesty.

    We not only fell for it, we wanted so bad to become part of it and quickly before Armageddon comes. I remember I could not wait to finish my bible study (in fact it was study in their own literature) in order to be baptized.

    We were like sheep without a shepherd. The Society’s main problem is that it continues to shepherd those sheep towards its own version of greener pastures and not to what it is supposed to do as a true slave of Christ, and that is to point the way to Christ as the only true shepherd. As helpless sheep, we continued to revolve around their ever-revolving doctrines and teachings that lead us nowhere.

    In order to really abandon JW teachings and free ourselves from their traps, we had to develop another essential quality and that is courage, courage to examine their history and teachings, courage to have an independent thinking ability. Courage to love God and his Son apart from mere humans who claim to be the authorized channel. Courage to stand up for what is right even at the risk of losing our privileges, positions, associations, friends and even family members.

    That is why the Society, by its teachings and doctrines instills a sense of cowardice in all its followers in order to continue its hold over them. By claiming itself to be the only authorized channel of Jehovah and God’s Organization on Earth, as JWs we had courage to stand up to the whole world and even die in defense of our belief, but were mortally afraid and cowards to question obvious errors in teachings, interpretations and behavior within the Society.

    Because of our humble nature, a necessary quality to becoming a JW, real and unhindered courage did not come easy. Nor does it come easy to the millions of JWs today who continue to follow the Society no matter where it leads them.

    Let us thank God for granting us courage that has helped free us from this man made slavery. I just pray that God will give real courage to all JWs and especially those close to us that are still enslaved in order that they too might be freed.

  • JamesThomas

    In order to really abandon JW teachings and free ourselves from their traps, we had to develop another essential quality and that is courage, courage to examine their history and teachings, courage to have an independent thinking ability.


    Do you have the "essential quality", the "courage" to examine your history? Do you have the courage to have "independent thinking ability"?

    Have you the courage to read books such as: The History of God, by Karen Armstrong; and The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S.? (there are many more along these lines but I have not read them).

    Do you have the courage to free yourself from the "traps" of your own religious beliefs? Or will you continue to defend them, as the Jehovah's Witnesses defend theirs?

    I do not wish to offend you. But this is a serious subject, is it not?


  • JamesThomas

    Note: the first paragraph in my reply was a "quote". The quote-thingy doesn't seem to be working yet, nor is the edit-thingy.....that I could find.

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