****the mole..........to those of you who didnt see the interview...Dr. Bashir stated that jacksons where abused as youths and that because they are jehovahs witness michael is afraid of having normal sexual relations.............................more proof that jw's do abuse there families and abnormal sexual desires come those being suppressed and made to conform to an unnatural worship of our god jehovah..they are the unholy thing trying to stand in a holy place...
michael jackson interview
by the mole 9 Replies latest jw experiences
I did see this, but I didn't think it was fair. There are plenty of people who teach their kids that sex is unnatural and something that is disgusting and to be done only to produce offspring. I was never taught sex itself was wrong as a JW. I was just told it was wrong to have it outside a marriage.
johnny cip
hi mole; no i didn't see the interview.. but i can see were you are coming from , the wt has always told jw's to not be natural as far as the other sex is concerned. just look at his house, it is a lot like the paradise the wt teaches will come at armageddom, with all the wild animals and the ferris wheels etc. were do you think jacko , got the idea for never never land... right out of a wt book .... can you see that ... it is quite ovious to me.... jjohn
I saw this programme and I didn't hear anything to connect the fact that he was (or wasn't) a JW with his warped upbringing and weird views on sex. The interview gave the impression that his views on sex were tarnished by watching his brothers carrying on with groupies when he was very young. Where were JWs mentioned? I don't even think his father was a JW and he was the one giving him all the grief and beatings etc. He had a cruel, unloving father, a strange childhood, and he has more money than sense. I also think the guy is pretty sick and he shouldn't be allowed to bring up 'his' kids. I ended up feeling really sorry for him.
i saw the show and the part about him being a jw came on "prime time" which aired after the interview. he (bashier) mentioned he" was a jw and had an unnatural fear"-i believe - of sex. that really was all i heard. During the actual interview, jackson himself, said his brothers used to bring girls up to the room and have sex (he could not say the word) with them while he was lying in bed in the same room and he could hear them.(having sex)
Dont really see that you can feel sorry him. With all that cash, he can get enough counseling... and maybe even get his face back or something.
ALSO I didnt really know all this controversy was going on with the sex abuse thing... I havent heard much about it down here in Georgia... but I will say this... I was raised as a JW.... and by the time I left home at age twelve, I think I had slept with every guy over 16 in the congregation. I was twenty before I really figured out that this wasnt normal behavior... I seem to remember a lot of taboo surrounding sex itself... but not specifically homosexuality.... I remember not worrying that I would be caught having sex with another male... just being caught having sex period. My great uncle (also a JW) had a 17 year old son(at the time) who had sex with me as young as four... I told my dad about it once... but you can guess, that the attitude was "we dont air our dirty laundry". I really doubt that he ever even told my mother.... he explained to me that the laws of man were just that ... of man... and we didnt answer to man.
thanx again for this forum.... it is like counseling for the soul or something... in the last two days I think I have come to terms with the whole nightmare of being raised as a Witness.
as a woman who was once baptized as a witness and married to a witness, sex was never something that was looked down upon. we loved it when we were engaged in it. heck, we even had sex before we were married. my baptism present consisted of a good role in the hay and that was before we were married as well. i knew of several witness couples who were engaging in sex unbenounced to the elders. it is something done but not widely known and definetly not spoken about.
i was only taught to believe that sex was reserved for marriage but like i said we did it. my only complaint was that my then j.w. husband looked down upon oral sex.
I watched the special interview. A part of me could really "see" into Michael's mind and how he has been attempting to live in the fantasy world created by his upbringing in the borg philosophies. He has his fairytale "Neverland" and everything he does, everything he brings to life, as a tone of "artificial".
His life is not normal by any means. Perhaps he is so damaged, that he is actually mentally ill. On the one hand, he raises his children in his "perfect" world, but does not allow them to "live" in the world. Is this not what JW's did to us. We lived in our artificially created existance, oblivious to the "real world". We were taught the real world is unclean and evil. Jackson feels this way and wants to protect his children. But, his reasonings are totally unbalanced, and he is really hurting the children he loves so much.
Society has allowed him now to bring a third child into this "artificial world" he has created. Why couldn't his family see what was happening to him and do something before it all got out of hand. Now you have these three children who know nothing but his total control and stiffling "love". There little lives are totally conditioned, and if they don't get away from him, they will end up as basket cases, unable to live in the world and be apart of normal mankind.
Michael is sick. I don't believe he is a sexual deviant. I believe he is very damaged emotionally, and could possibly do something tragic if he is cornered. I don't doubt that he loves children. He sees himself in all children. He sees the lonely little boy, who had to perform, who had to tow the mark for his father, and bring in the money. He couldn't do normal things. Even the opposite was his active JW mom, who tried to teach him her way, and he was constantly being pulled apart. His father was obsessive and compulsive. He saw in his creative children a way to make money and he exploited them. He then beat them into submission, while his wife (a JW) stood by and did absolutely nothing. Now she is inactive, I hear. The guilt is probably way too much for her. She knows what she has allowed to happen and the condition that Micheal is in. She sees those "artificial" grandchildren and turns her head away from responsibility.
Essentually Michael just wants to be "Peter Pan" to children. But he isn't living rationally or reasonably, and too many people have turned their back and let him go way too far. If he lived here, Social Services would have already taken those kids away from him a long time ago.
About his appearance. Well, he can't stand to look in the mirror, so he changed his reflection. He deliberately made himself appear different....radically different, and even denies that he did so. But appearing different on the outside doesn't change the inside. Any JW will tell you that, once they are out. One has to learn to accept who they are and change inside. He is a tortured person with a lot of talent. I believe several people in the industry have reached out to him, but he is un-changeable. To reach Michael Jackson, one has to live in his world, and that must be a difficult thing for adults to do. That's why he is more comfortable around children. They don't question him, and they don't make him face his issues. They are more than willing to help him live out his fantasy.
Come on Mrs. Jackson. Come on Janet, and Litoya....and Revie. This is your son. This is your brother. His children are part of your family, whether or not they are from his genes. IF YOU LOVE HIM, DO SOMETHING!!!
One weird family.
William Penwell
What I thought was sick was when Micheal was saying about how him and a bunch of young children all cuddled in his bed together. When the interviewer ask Micheal if he thought this was strange behavior for a 44 year old adult to do this with young children. Micheals response was it was naturally alright and couldn't get over that anyone would think this to be strange.