This is what happens in CULTS!
All opposition is silenced, forbidden and punished.
A Cult never makes any true progress.They are rooted, fixed, immobile.
Watch a snake going from point A to point B.
The snake never ever moves in a straight line.
A snake curves to the Left and curves back to the Right
and yet IT MAKES PROGRESS from point A to point B.
What is progress in Society?
Moving forward, not backward. Right?
Improving your chances within an environment.
Achieve advantages, advancing all the while.
We can agree that PROGRESS is good. BUT WAIT!
Now, here is something to think about--really THINK about.
THIS IS HOW a healthy SOCIETY operates!
Just like snake moves.
Society oscillates from Liberal to Conservative, to Liberal to Conservative IN ORDER TO PROGRESS and improve and achieve worthwhile goals.
Stop and think!
Nature has always been at war with itself, survival of the fittest--and yet--life somehow achieves balance in the contest of opposition and adaptations.
Neither Liberal NOR Conservative is 100% correct all the time
and the function of democratic government is to force these two sides into DIALOGUE and COOPERATION in order to make PROGRESS.
Neither side knows for certain who is on the best track at any one moment in history.
Both sides NEED EACH OTHER to work that out.
Why? Because each extreme believes they are always right.
Whatever you believe--you automatically disbelieve those who disagree with your belief.
If you silence those who disagree with you--you are DOOMED as far as progress is concerned.
This is what happens in CULTS!
All opposition is silenced, forbidden and punished.
Sanity and Progress need healthy debate.
WE NEED our ideological "enemies" for a very good reason.
SOMETIMES our "enemy" is the one who is right for the moment.
When we ridicule, excoriate and condemn those who disagree with us (often for good reasons) we destroy PROGRESS by not listening, debating, and cooperating.
"Knowing" you are right and "they" are wrong--is suicidal for society.
Listen to your enemy for that one, tiny, TRUE thing they are saying. We need that one true thing if we are all to survive.
The path of the snake LOOKS CHAOTIC but it is not.
When you look at our Democracy it too looks chaotic but
it is the tug of war between the Left side and the Right side
carrying us forward toward Progress.
Freeing slaves, giving women the right to vote was progress.
Prohibition and the Iraq War were huge errors made by people who THOUGHT THEY WERE DOING THE RIGHT THING.
In the moment--somebody always thinks they are right.
Only by carefully listening to your "enemy" can you begin to achieve balance.
Democracy cannot become 2 wolves and a sheep voting on
"What's for supper?"
The sheep always loses.
ALLOW dissent.
Never silence those whose speech you hate.
Don't be so damned certain you're right.
It is the only path to PROGRESS: working with your opposition.