Well I must say internet is a blessing fore us users, never have so much ours to report as now, I think I hade to give a tippto the Gb and tell them to putt in a´n artikel in Km how we can increase our service if we use all new thing as teknik have blessed us widh, and russel was sure a man how understnad the importens of using new media, so internet is soon going to be the new area to preace on, i think some here must be worried , think if 100.000 of JW came inn here and start to argu widh you.
Counting time
by happy man 6 Replies latest jw friends
Happyman, Don't give the Society any ideas! Do you think that witnessing on the internet is a thing of the future? How long did it take them for telephone witnessing to become acceptable??? Perhaps the internet will be used in 100 years, also.
What, me worried?
I am trembling in my boots. I therefore instruct all honest apostates to avoid associating with any renegade JW who thinks he can encourage 100,000 computer-literate JW's in good standing to "bend" the direction from the Faithful and Discreet Slave and post on the internet. On a site that allows free flow of ideas. Where everyone is welcome.
Oops. That's right. I can't tell anybody here what to do.
You dont have to worry about the witnesses preaching on the internet. A KM from last year basically told the congo that everything that needs to be said is on the offical JW web site.
I find this ironic since the constant message is preach,preach,preach no matter where you are. Preach in the hospital, preach at work , preach to the guy sitting in the toilet stall next to you, etc etc. And yet here is a legitimate medium to reach new folks and the socfety is saying dont use it. Somehow I suspect there is fear of something...perhaps a fear of peoples eyes being opened up???
If it really was about preaching "God's Kingdom" then the GB would grab every opportunity to do so. The internet can spread "God's Kingdom " like wildfire. Also a lawsuit can do that. They can have an open tribunal where the whole world could put in their say. If they have the truth it would be there for everyone to see, plain and simple.
But it's not about "God's Kingdom". It's about control, power and money.
I'm out from under their control, but loved-ones still aren't.
(___|___). That's what they are. grrrgrrrgrr.
Luddites, that's what the JWs are. Luddites, those happy-go-lucky backward-looking chumps who regard any advance in technology or anything else with suspicion and ignorance and pre-packaged hatred.
Let the JWs ignore the Internet - it puts the average Joe 6-Pac publisher too close to the truth for comfort. More bandwidth for us to distribute real fact and truth to folks who need it most.
And remember, it takes far less time, far less words to tell the truth than it does to hide the truth with lies. We're just naturally more efficient.
JWs are a gigantic, bloviating cult. I say screw 'em on that account.
blo·vi·ate (click to hear the word) (bl
intr.v. Slang blo·vi·at·ed, blo·vi·at·ing, blo·vi·ates- To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner: "the rural Babbitt who bloviates about 'progress' and 'growth'" (George Rebeck).
What a great word, Francois! This is a keeper. It reminds me of obfuscate. You can insult people and be 2 counties away before they realize it.